Page 393 - Introduction to Business
P. 393

CHAPTER 10   Developing the Promotion and Distribution Mixes  367

                    Technology and Business

                                Logistics Relies on Technology to Cut Cost and Provide
                                Better Levels of Customer Service

                                Over the last fifty years, the logistics  mated inventory retrieval systems in concert with
                                industry has relied on technology to  computers allow for overhead, safe, and rapid
                    cut costs and provide higher levels of customer serv-  retrieval of products to fill customer orders. Comput-
                    ice. The 1950s saw the advent of containerization, in  ers are also used in electronic data interchange (EDI)
                    which shipments are put in trailer-sized containers,  systems where supplier and customer computers link
                    usually 40 x 8 x 8 feet. The containers can then be  up to automatically reorder products that are needed
                    moved from one type of transportation to another  on a regular basis. Bar codes enable inventory levels
                    without having to have their contents unloaded and  to be maintained and shipments to be tracked.
                    reloaded. In this intermodal transport, containers can  The terrorist attack on the United States on Sep-
                    be shipped via truck, train, airplane, or ocean-going  tember 11, 2001, has created security concerns. The
                    vessel and moved from one to the other. Huge con-  bad news is that bombs, such as a small, low-yield
                    tainer cranes were developed that allow heavy con-  nuclear device, can be hidden in containers and got-
                    tainers to be loaded on or off ships without capsizing  ten into the United States through a port. It would be
                    them. Containerization reduces handling costs,    exorbitantly expensive and time-consuming to hand-
                    spoilage, and pilferage.                          check the tens of thousands of containers that arrive
                       Slip sheets have been replacing more expensive  in the United States each week. The good news is
                    wooden pallets that were prone to damage and were  that scanner devices have been developed that allow
                    hard to keep track of. Stretch film wrappers help sta-  the monitoring of entire container contents without
                    bilize loads. Huge oil tankers carry millions of gallons  the containers having to be opened.
                    of oil at low cost per gallon. Satellite tracking devices
                    allow companies to keep track of where their trucks
                    are, enable deliveries to be diverted to better service  Questions
                    customers when last-minute needs arise, and monitor  1. What are the advantages of the use of technology
                    the safety of trucks, such as engine temperatures.   applications to the logistics areas of firms’
                       Technology has improved warehouse operations.     operations?
                    Forklift trucks can quickly and effectively move inven-  2. What are intermodal shipments?
                    tory into storage areas or out to leading docks, as can  3. Have you seen any examples of stretch film
                    mechanized conveyor belts. State-of-the-art auto-    wrappers in use?

                 The greater distances increase the logistics costs for international shipments.  containerization The placement of
                 Whereas truck and rail shipments dominate domestic shipments, air and water are  products in trailer-sized containers that
                                                                                          can be shipped by rail, air, ship, or truck
                 the most important for international shipments. Shipments by air account for only
                 1 percent of all international shipments, but represent 20 percent of their value.
                 High-value perishable items and those that need to quickly reach customers, like
                 cut flowers, personal computers, and emergency machine parts, are examples of
                 goods that are usually transported on airplanes.
                    Companies beginning to market their products overseas are tempted to use the
                 same logistics strategies in the international markets as employed in the domestic
                 market. In so doing, they can begin operating quickly in foreign countries and can
                 probably minimize their logistics costs. However, the differences encountered in
                 overseas markets suggest that such a decision should be reached only after a great
                 deal of thought.
                    Companies selling products overseas usually have to engage the services of a
                 freight forwarder. Freight forwarders act as an agent for companies shipping prod-  freight forwarder Agents that perform a
                                                                                          wide variety of services for companies
                 ucts to international customers. They arrange for moving products to domestic ports
                                                                                          shipping products to international
                 or airports, negotiate with ships or airlines to transport products, expedite clearing  customers

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