Page 430 - Introduction to Business
P. 430

404     PART 4  Accounting

                      Portfolio Projects

        Exploring Your Own Case in Point                    Starting Your Own Business
        In this chapter, the role of accounting is explained.  After reading this chapter, you should have a basic
        Accounting information is necessary for decision mak-  understanding of the role of accounting. Even if you
        ing by people within and outside a business firm.   will be hiring someone to keep the books of your
        Answering the questions below will help you better  startup company, you will need to be able to speak
        understand the role of accounting in your selected  about accounting to people both inside and outside
        company’s operations.                               your firm. Answer the following questions about
         1. Who uses the financial accounting information   accounting in your startup company.
            produced by your company’s accounting depart-    1. Describe the objectives, inputs, processes, outputs,
            ment? Who uses the management accounting            and controls of the accounting system in your
            information produced by your company’s account-     startup company.
            ing department?                                  2. What are some internal controls that your com-
         2. What is the chief product or service associated     pany will use to help ensure that company
            with your company? What department in the com-      resources are not stolen or wasted? What measures
            pany produces the product or service? What type     can you take to help prevent computer crime from
            of accounting information does it need to do its    being committed against your company?
            job effectively?
         3. What sorts of internal controls might your com-
            pany use to ensure that company resources are not
            stolen or wasted? Why are auditors interested in
            internal controls?

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