Page 431 - Introduction to Business
P. 431

CHAPTER 11   Accounting for Decision Making  405

                              Test Prepper

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                  True/False Questions                                       that are involved in international trade. The
                  Please indicate if the following statements are true or    provisions do not apply to public companies
                  false:                                                     that are involved in strictly domestic trade.
                         1.  One objective of a typical accounting infor-  Multiple-Choice Questions
                           mation system is to provide all the financial
                           information needed internally by manage-  Choose the best answer.
                           ment for business decision making.             1.  The accounting information system, like
                         2.  One objective of a typical accounting           all systems, has all of the following except
                           information system is to provide financial        specific
                           information to various external users con-        a. objectives.
                           cerned with the financial activities of the       b. inputs.
                           organization.                                     c. processes.
                         3.  When CPAs provide audit services, they          d. outputs.
                           render an opinion as to whether the finan-        e. technology.
                           cial statements prepared by a firm’s finan-    2.  External groups that use accounting infor-
                           cial accountants are prepared according to        mation do not include
                           generally accepted accounting principles.         a. credit-rating agencies.
                         4.  The management information system pro-          b. vendors.
                           vides only financial information to man-          c. management.
                           agement; the management information               d. customers.
                           system does not deal with nonfinancial            e. lending institutions.
                           information.                                   3.  Reports or documents generated for man-
                         5.  Objectives of international standards           agement accounting purposes include all of
                           include increasing the diversity of account-      the following except
                           ing standards and disclosures to meet the         a. sales invoices.
                           needs of U.S. investors.                          b. purchase orders.
                         6.  Effective and efficient functioning of the      c. inventory reports.
                           global marketplace requires uniformity in         d. tax returns.
                           accounting and auditing standards.                e. capital budgets.
                         7.  Many companies have an ethics code to        4. The           issues International
                           guide their employees in how they conduct         Accounting Standards.
                           business.                                         a.  United Nations Committee on Finance
                         8.  Adherence to the standards set by the Inter-      and Taxation
                           national Auditing and Assurance Standards         b. International Accounting Standards
                           Board is mandatory for all members of the           Board
                           International Federation of Accountants.          c. American Institute of CPAs
                         9.  In contrast to a computerized accounting        d.  Institute of Management Accountants
                           information system, a manual accounting           e. International Federation of Accountants
                           system has several inherent advantages,        5.  Unlike the East India Company in the
                           such as reducing human error caused by            1600s, business firms today are unlikely to
                           fatigue or carelessness.                          need armed ships to fight off pirates, but
                        10.  The internal control provisions of the          international trade still has its problems,
                           Foreign Corrupt Practices Act are not limited     which include all of the following except
                           to the detection or prevention of foreign         a. tariffs.
                           bribery, and they affect all public companies     b. language barriers.

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