Page 432 - Introduction to Business
P. 432

        406     PART 4 4  Accounting
                   c. cultural differences.                       8.  The average computer crime has been
                   d.  incompatible equipment standards.             estimated to cost $        , while the
                   e. a common currency.                             average white-collar crime is estimated to
                6.  All of the following are disadvantages of        cost $         .
                   computerized accounting information               a. 600,000; 23,500
                   systems except                                    b. 100,000; 50,000
                   a.  they lack judgment.                           c. 23,500; 40,000
                   b. some users assume they are always              d. 10,000; 100,000
                     correct.                                        e. 1,000; 50,000
                   c. they reduce human error caused by           9.  Preventive controls do not include
                     fatigue or carelessness.                       a.  hiring competent and ethical employees.
                   d.  they present a potential for tampering       b. feedback controls.
                     with data.                                     c. written policies and procedures.
                   e. information can be lost electronically.
                                                                    d.  physical security of firm assets.
                7.  Accounting rules and regulations are a          e. segregation of related organizational
                   result of various systems of each country           functions.
                   that do not include.
                                                                 10.  CPA firms offer all of the following types of
                   a. cultural                                      services to their clients except
                   b. economic                                      a.  auditing and other assurance services.
                   c. political                                     b. tax planning services.
                   d. legal                                         c. management consulting services.
                   e. engineering
                                                                    d.  inventory planning services.
                                                                    e. tax compliance services.

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