Page 72 - Introduction to Business
P. 72

46      PART 1  The Nature of Contemporary Business

           After reading this chapter you should be able to     will help you decide on an ideal location for your
        address some basic issues related to the input and out-  business?
        put of your firm, the firm’s performance measures, and  3. Is yours a for-profit or not-for-profit business? Will
        the impact of technology.                               your business be private or public? How do you
         1. Describe the major inputs that will be used by your  plan to reinvest and grow your business? How will
            firm and the sources of these resources. Is the sup-  you determine success or failure in your business?
            ply of inputs stable or is it volatile? What is your  How would you handle business failure, i.e., what
            strategy for maintaining an uninterrupted supply    is your exit strategy? What ethical standards have
            of inputs at relatively stable prices?              you set for your business?
         2. How will you determine the market for your prod-  4. Describe how you will use information technology
            ucts or services? Will you analyze consumer diver-  to make your business efficient.
            sity and demographics? What are the factors that

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