Page 15 - WHO
P. 15

Enhancing CBS na�onwide for high risk and special popula�on in 2018 will increasing the
         sensi�vity of the AFP and Measles surveillance system and enhance efficiency for current
         limited resource availability.

          The high risk popula�on in Sudan are  refugees and IDPs either living in camp or host com-
         munity, as well as  Nomads, returnees and those moving across the boarders and living in
         insecure areas,; these special group might not have full access to health facili�es .

         The Federal Ministry of Health Sudan with collabora�on of WHO country office, CDC (GHD),
         and EMPHNET are implemen�ng CBS for special popula�on. This will also help to improve
         the quality of rou�ne immuniza�on and Supplementary Immuniza�on Ac�vi�es (SIAs).

         The dura�on of the project will be one year star�ng from June 2019 with overall aim to
         strengthening the current CBS for AFP and include rash and fever surveillance. The target

         popula�on  of  this  project  will  be  children  living  among  high  risk  popula�on  as  well  as
         children of par�ally or inaccessible locali�es.

         WHO country office made risk assessment for all l89 locali�es and iden�fied 89 locali�es as
         high risk. They are further divided in three categories of �re 1, 2 and 3.

          Environmental surveillance system:

         Sudan established environmental surveillance system September 2018 through technical
         and financial support from WHO country office. Advocacy was made with federal govern-
         ment and close coordina�on was established with sanitary engineers in order to have back-
         ground informa�on on swage system.

         Na�onal Environmental surveillance commi�ee was established in 2018 and convened first
         mee�ng in December 2018, it is follow with regular quarterly mee�ngs.

         Na�onal plan of ac�on was formulated through par�cipa�on of experts including experts
         from the federal and state EPI, na�onal polio laboratory (NPL), local sanitary engineering
         and other relevant departments.

            Location of Sampling Sites:

         Sewage system in Khartoum state cover only Khartoum and Bahary locali�es of Khartoum

         state that are par�ally served by it (Omdurman locali�es not func�oning) the total number
         of popula�on served with the system is (925724) which is (10%) of the Khartoum state popu-
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