Page 10 - SB-Black and White Kingdom
P. 10

“You are confusing me,” said the King. “Why would someone who has been nice to me give me bad advice?” “Why would someone who has disagreed with me give good advice?” “It is much too confusing.” “Your Majesty,” said the Peddler with a kind smile, “Put on the glasses and turn around and look once again at your advisors.”
The King almost tumbled backward when he gazed at his advisors. He turned to the Peddler and said, “They are all different, various... what?” “Shades,” said the Peddler.
“Yes, but what does it mean?” the King asked with much urgency in his voice. “It means that they are not always either your friend or your enemy. It varies one to another and one situation to another,” replied the Peddler. “How so?” the King asked, with a confused look on his face.
“Here, read this to your advisors,” the Peddler told the King as he handed him a piece of paper. The King read, “I think my wife is the best cook in the world. How many of you would agree?”
I smell a trick, how about you?
There was much shaking of heads in agreement and even a few shouts about the quality of the Queen’s cooking. As this occurred, the King was fascinated how the shades changed for some but not for others, how some shades got quite intense while others faded.

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