Page 9 - SB-Black and White Kingdom
P. 9

“Yes,” said the Peddler. “Let me demonstrate. Please call in your advisors but first remove the glasses.”
Now things are getting interesting. Let’s see what happens next.
The King did as he was asked and soon the room was filled with his advisors. “How do you know the ones you can trust?” asked the Peddler.
“If they are friendly toward me, then they appear black and if they are not, they appear white. It is really quite simple,” the King said in a low whisper. “So right now,” asked the Peddler, “This hall is filled with advisors who appear
either black or white?” “Yes,” said the King. “It is quite convenient. If they appear black, I listen to their advice.”
“Convenient yes but not very smart,” said the Peddler. “What do you mean, not smart!” demanded the King.
Kings can get kind of upset when you tell them the truth.
“Well,” said the Peddler, “They appear black because they are nice to you or agree with you, but that does not mean that their advice is correct or good. And those that appear white only do so because they have not agreed with you for some reason or you think they don’t like you but neither of those reasons means that they give bad advice.”

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