Page 87 - Livro_Inglês
P. 87

José Paulo –  Ideal Decision  José Paulo –  Ideal Decision

 So here is a question to you, the reader: “Do we have to see it to   The essence of my faith is a God who did all things to go well,
 believe it or to believe it to see it?”.  a God who wishes good to all things. Think about the human

 Of course, we need to believe it to see it, if one does not believe   body, the perfection in the functioning of every organ and every
 it, does not see it!  function. My faith is that we are children of a creator, therefore, we
          are mini creators; we are the only creation who can reason, create,
          and build.
 My faith   I believe that being in line with God’s universal laws, using what

 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and   He has given us, which is faith and thought, we have everything to
 assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1  do well and succeed in any area of  life.

 I do respect all kinds of beliefs, but I cannot help talking a little
 bit about what I believe. I am a Christian and my faith is based
 on biblical principles, but I understand that there is no point in
 having an open Bible in a desk, because my actions speak louder
 than words
 Within my faith, I believe in God, the creator of all things,
 and that all things work together for those who are within God’s
 purpose. Therefore, I spread this faith to all areas of my life, I am
 sure that God gave me an ideal wife, faith that I have wonderful
 children, faith that I am surrounded by good people working with
 me and faith that I work in a great company. I believed in all these
 things before I could see it.

 I say this because there are always two creations in life: the men-
 tal one, when you imagine something; and the second one when
 you materialize this thought. It is like building a house – you ima-
 gine it at first, but when you start drawing it, the materialization
 begins. A great theologian named John Stott says that “to believe
 is also to think”, we were created with the ability to reason and we
 must use it prudently, sensibly, and honorably.

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