Page 4 - Bulletin Vol 26 No 2 - May - Aug. 2021 - Final
P. 4
Table of Contents Society Headquarters
Message from the Editor ................................... 5
Message from the President .............................. 6
Message from the Executive Director ................ 7
In Our Society .................................................... 9
News ………………………………………………………...….. 12
Continuing Education ...................................... 16
Classifieds ………………………………………………….… 18
Advertisements …………..… 2, 10, 15, 20, 21, 26, 32
Articles ………………………………………… 23, 25, 27, 29
Welcome to the Nassau County Dental Society.
Our office is located at 377 Oak Street in Garden
We strongly encourage you to visit the NCDS City. The majority of continuing education courses
website ( for complete meet at Society headquarters. The ample parking
course details and upcoming events that were makes it an ideal venue for our continuing educa-
not included in the Society Bulletin. tion program. Our General Membership Meetings
are currently being held at the Jericho Terrace in
Mineola. The staff is always available to answer
your questions and handle any concerns you might
have. This is Your Society—We are Here for You!
Follow us on:
This photo of the Lower Manhattan skyline
was taken from across the Hudson River in
Current and back Issues of our Bulletin can be Jersey City during the NYSDA House of
viewed on our website: Delegates meeting, August 12-15, 2021 by
Dr. Gene Porcelli
The Society welcomes photography submissions
from our members. Photos are not required to
be dental-related. Please email digital images
in .jpg format to along
with a description of the image and a photo
credit (maximum 100 words).
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