Page 17 - REVISED_Bulletin Vol 29 No 3 - Sept. - Dec. 2024 IN PROGRESS
P. 17

NEWS |  Member Benefit ‐ Shredding & Recycling

          On  a  beau ful  Saturday  A ernoon,  Oct.  5th,  NCDS  held  it’s  annual  Shredding  and  Recycling  event.

          Members took advantage of the free service to  shred their old documents and files, as well as dispose of
          old  electronics  and  radiographic  film  for  recycling.  I  want  to  thank  our  volunteers  who  gave  up  their
          Saturday a ernoon to help with this great member benefit: Drs. Steve Akseizer, Charlie Hanna, and Grace
          Korpi‐Hanna,  as  well  as  my  execu ve  assistant,  Larissa  Plas ni. I also  want to  thank  Kathy  Lagano of
          MLMIC for sponsoring the event.

                NCDS In Search of a New Bulle n Editor

          A er 13 years as our Bulle n Editor, Dr. Donald Hills has decided to step down so he can devote more
           me to his posi on as our NYSDA Trustee.  We are pu ng out a call to all our members. The job of Editor
          involves overseeing the publica on of the three yearly issues of our Bulle n, gathering ar cles for print,
          proof reading the issue prior to print, and wri ng an Editorial for each issue. If you’d  like to be considered
          for  this  volunteer  posi on,  please  submit  your  name,  CV,  and  some  examples  of  your  wri ngs  to  our
          Execu ve Director, Dr. Gene Porcelli by emailing him at

          Poten al  candidates  will  be  contacted  to  set  up  an  interview  by  our  search  commi ee.    This  is  an
          opportunity to share your ideas and perspec ves on den stry with all our members.

                                            Nassau County Dental Society   (516) 227-1112  |  17
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