Page 14 - REVISED_Bulletin Vol 29 No 3 - Sept. - Dec. 2024 IN PROGRESS
P. 14

In Our Society | ADA HOD

         From October 17 ‐ 22, den sts from around the country came to New Orleans for the ADA’s SmileCon and
         it’s House of Delegates mee ng.  The delegates discussed, debated, and voted on close to a hundred re‐
         ports and resolu ons. Represen ng Nassau County were our delegates, Michael Shreck, Meena Jaiswal,
         and Bob Peskin and our Alternate delegates Don Hills and Elyse Patrella.   New York had two candidates
         running for ADA office, Maria Maranga for ADA President‐Elect and Viren Jhaveri running for ADA 2nd VP.
         Both ran great campaigns but, unfortunately, neither was successful.  S ll, we applaud both of them for
         their efforts and pu ng themselves out there on a na onal stage.

                                                           Dr. Bob Peskin speaks to a resolu on on the floor of the ADA HOD

                                                  The en re NYSDA Delega on

         Nassau members share some down me at a local restaurant

                                                     ADA Pres.‐Elect Richard Rosato
                                                     and NCDS Alt. Del. Dr. Don Hills

                  Dr. Meena Jaiswal speaks from                                            NCDS Reps Drs. Meena Jaiswal, Gene
                  the floor of the HOD                                                      Porcelli,  Don Hills, Elyse Patrella,
                                                                                           Doug Schildhaus, & Michael Shreck
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