Page 12 - REVISED_Bulletin Vol 29 No 3 - Sept. - Dec. 2024 IN PROGRESS
P. 12

In Our Society | Making A Difference

                                Flying Doctors of America ‐ Peru Mission
           Our very own Nassau County Dental Society President, Dr Douglas Schildhaus returned in September from

           his second mission of the year, leading a successful Medical/Dental Mission trip to the Andes Mountains of

           Peru with  Flying Doctors of  America. His team  consisted  of healthcare  professionals  from  all  over  the
           United States  in the areas of   Triage, Emergency Medicine, General  Medicine,  Pediatrics,  Geriatrics,
           Gynecology,  Nursing,  Physical  Therapy,  Den stry,  Oral  Surgery,  Ophthalmology,  Dermatology,  and
           Pharmacy. The team worked 1 day in the beau ful town of Ollantaytambo, and 2 days in the remote and

           tradi onal  Quechua  village  of  Huilloc  (al tude  13,000  feet).  The  Dental  Team  performed  extrac ons,
           fluoride  treatments,  and  enjoyed  a  special  experience  when  they  visited  a  local  school  to  educate  the
           children on proper home care and nutri on.  Dr. Schildhaus and his hard‐working team treated over 750
           pa ents in very poor and remote communi es, who have li le or no access to any Medical or Dental care.
           As a reward, the team experienced a bucket list 2 day tour of the Wonder of the World, Machu Picchu.
           Certainly  a  life‐changing  experience  for  all  involved.  Members  of  the  team  from  our  area  included  Dr.
           Schildhaus and his partners Drs. Harry Tsotsos and Alexandria Anagnos s, NCDS Board Member Dr. John
           Gaeta, and Univ. of Buffalo Dental Students Jacinta Tracey and Ma e Seamans.

          Drs. John Gaeta and Douglas Schildhaus enjoying a
          memorable day educa ng the students                                    Dr. Douglas Schildhaus and his partners at Wood‐
                                                                                 bury Pediatric Den stry and Orthodon cs, Dr
                                                                                 Harry Tsotsos and Dr Alexandria Anagnos s
                                                  Dr. Schildhaus and Univ. of Buffalo Dental
                                                  Student  Jacinta Tracey  trea ng a local child.

         The Dental clinic in the remote town of Huilloc,
         which has only 250 families. In this picture is Drs.
         Schildhaus, Tsotsos, & Anagnos s, with University
         of Buffalo Dental Students Ma e Seamans and
         Jacinta Tracey and local children.                             Flying Doctors of America Team Peru 2024 at Machu Picchu
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