Page 7 - REVISED_Bulletin Vol 29 No 3 - Sept. - Dec. 2024 IN PROGRESS
P. 7
Message from the Executive Director:
It’s hard to believe another year has come to a close and a new year is upon us.
As I look back on 2024, as Sinatra had said, “It was a Very Good Year!” (Mostly!)
For our members, we provided over 40 con nuing educa on courses totaling
more than 114 hours of CEU. In addi on, we had some very unique events,
including an evening of axe throwing and human foosball for team building, our
Walk for Oral Cancer Awareness and our Casino Night fundraisers, our Shredding
and Recycling event, and, of course, our Give Kids A Smile. With our 300
events in the country. In addi on to providing all this, we held the line on dues with no increase for the
second year in a row.
There were a few bumps in the road. The new opera ng system from the ADA had many glitches that
hampered course registra ons. These problems are mostly fixed, and I hope for a smooth transi on
moving forward. Also, because of changes in the CE repor ng requirements of the New York State
Educa on Department, a new CE registry had to be created. CE Navigator is now up and running. As with
anything new there is a learning curve, once that is overcome, you’ll see this system has many
advantages, including aler ng you prior to your license renewal if you are missing any re‐licensing
In my opinion, our Society provides three major func ons. First, providing member benefits, including
courses and events as well as keeping you informed of anything affec ng your prac ce and the
profession. Second, providing community services such as our Give Kids A Smile, our Public Oral Cancer
Screenings, Oral Cancer Walk, and a ending public events like health fairs. All of which puts the
profession and our members in a good light with the public. Thirdly, promo ng our members. On this last
item, we had some major victories this past Fall. Our television and social media commercial concluded
its six‐month run and our member’s “Find A Den st” profile hits were up 34%! Hopefully, this outreach
puts more pa ents in your chairs, as well as making sure the public knows not all den sts are ADA
members. The program encourages the public to only go to ADA member den sts. An extra bonus to
those ads was they were seen by the sta on manager of Connoisseur Media. Connoisseur Media owns
many local radio sta ons, including WALK 97.5, KJOY 98.3, WHLI 104.7, The WOLF 103.1 and The SHARK
94.3. The ads prompted him to contact Nassau and Suffolk County Dental Socie es to sit for an interview
with John Lynch for his Island Outlook show. We were able to explain what the Socie es do, the benefits
of preven on, fluoride, and advancements in den stry. In addi on, and most importantly, we promoted
our members to the public. The program aired on Dec. 15th on their various sta ons. If you missed it,
there is a link to the show on our website.
There is a lot more going on behind the scenes. I, along with our Board of Directors, are working to come
Con nued on page 8
Nassau County Dental Society (516) 227-1112 | 7