Page 6 - REVISED_Bulletin Vol 29 No 3 - Sept. - Dec. 2024 IN PROGRESS
P. 6
Message from the President
As my year as Nassau County Dental Society President ends, I find myself
asking one very important ques on...what will my legacy be?
Will I be known as that pediatric den st who is the Give Kids A Smile Chair?
Maybe the guy who keeps asking the membership to support casino night?
Perhaps the Nassau County den st who is vocal in Government Affairs at both
the state and na onal levels of our tripar te. I would like to think my legacy
will reflect the accomplishments I achieved during mt tenure, the las ng
impact I’ve made on the Dental Society, the local dental community, and,
hopefully, even our broader profession.
Sadly, membership in our dental society is declining. Equally as upse ng is
member involvement is also declining. As President, my plan was to focus on the two main groups who
represent our future: dental students and new, or young, den sts.
Dental Students are the future of our profession. My focus was to connect with the students, invite them
to our events and recognize them as cri cal for the future of den stry. By developing rela onships,
engaging, and mentoring dental students, we can each do our part in safeguarding the future of not only
our local society, but all of organized den stry. My goal of a strong student presence at our mee ngs
and events was achieved. I pledge a er my Presidency to con nue to bring young den sts into our fold.
In addi on, my goal was to excite and involve younger den st members and encourage them to be ac ve
par cipants in our society leadership. While working with several of my own society mentors and the
Execu ve Board we began fostering a cohesive, forward thinking team which I hope will be a key part of
my legacy. New den st member engagement has increased significantly as more den sts have joined
our board and became involved in various commi ees. This involvement will ul mately protect and posi‐
vely influence our future.
So, what is a legacy, and how do you measure it?
Ul mately my legacy will be defined by the way I supported the profession, my colleagues, and the
community we serve. Whether it be Nassau County, New York State, or the American Dental Associa on,
I vow to con nue cemen ng my footprint and lead the next genera on into what looks to be a promising
Reflec ng on my tenure, I hope my commitment to improving the prac ce of den stry, while suppor ng
my fellow professionals, will con nue to resonate long a er my presidency ends.
Douglas Schildhaus, D.M.D.
2024 President, Nassau County Dental Society
Board of Advisors, Flying Doctors of America
Medical Mission Team Leader
Co‐Chair, Give Kids a Smile
Delegate, American Dental Associa on
Delegate, New York State Dental Associa on
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