Page 8 - REVISED_Bulletin Vol 29 No 3 - Sept. - Dec. 2024 IN PROGRESS
P. 8
Message from the Executive Director (cont.)
up with new and innova ve ideas to move NCDS forward and enhance the value of your membership. I
an cipate some big announcements to come in 2025, please read these bulle ns and your emails to stay
I’ve just completed my fi h year as your Execu ve Director and I’m proud of our accomplishments thus
far. I was ac ve in organized den stry throughout my 38 years of prac ce. Never in that me did I see
myself in this posi on. Life has a funny way of bringing you the unexpected. To quote Douglas Adams, “I
may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” Stay well
and look forward to an outstanding 2025!
Stay well,
Gene Porcelli
Message from the Editor (Continued)
Now concerning the lapia, I must admit the tle of this editorial is intended to grab the reader’s a en‐
on, yet it is en rely possible that a tank full of lapia will also be part of space travel. Tilapia is an excel‐
lent source of protein, provides a desired varia on from freeze‐dried NASA food, and with an ability to
survive solely on excrement, is the perfect companion to recycle waste and conserve important re‐
sources during confined, extended space travel.
The reality is, although all this sounds like science fic on, we will be going to Mars within the next 30
years, and I have no doubt a den st will be part of that journey.
8 | Nassau County Dental Society