Page 13 - REVISED_Bulletin Vol 29 No 3 - Sept. - Dec. 2024 IN PROGRESS
P. 13

In Our Society | Media Coverage

                                                 On The Radio

                                           NCDS  Execu ve  Director  Dr.  Gene Porcelli,  along  with  SCDS  Execu ve
                                           Director  Bill  Panzarino  and  SCDS President Steve Feigelson were
                                           interviewed by John Lynch for his Island Outlook radio show. They had
                                           the opportunity to explain what the Dental Socie es are all about and
                                           the great community services our members provide, including Give Kids
                                           A Smile and our free Oral Cancer Screenings for the public.  They also
                                           emphasized that when looking for a den st, people should seek out  an
                                           ADA  member  den st  by  using  the  “Find  A  Den st”  bu on  on  our
                                           websites. Promo ng our members is what it’s all about!  By the way,
         this all  came about because the sta on  manager  saw  the  commercial  we  are  running  on  the  cable
         networks and reached out to us for an interview.  The show aired on December 15th on WALK 97.5, KJOY
         98.2 and WHLI 104.7.
                                                    In Newsday

                                           On November 4, Newsday printed a le er from “a media liaison with
                                           the  New  York  State  Coali on  Opposed  to  Fluorida on.”    The  writer
                                           claimed fluoride is dangerous and poisoning water systems.  The le er
                                           was filled with untruths, misinforma on and referenced a poorly run
                                           study.  Our Execu ve Director Dr. Gene Porcelli wrote a rebu al le er
                                           which  Newsday  published  (albeit  an  edited  version)  on  November
                                           25th.   It is and should be the responsibility of all den sts to speak up
                                           when the public is being exposed to pseudo‐science in the media and
                                           online concerning our profession.
          As a result of Dr. Porcelli’s response, a Newsday reporter contacted him for an interview concerning the
          dental mid‐level provider bill now in the NY Legislature.  Dr. Porcelli spoke with the reporter and explained
          the many reasons organized den stry is opposed to the legisla on.  He informed the reporter in states
          where  mid‐level  providers  are  allowed,  there  has  been  no  demonstrable  improved  access  to  care.    A
          be er  solu on  to improve access  to care  issues would be  to use  State’s  money  to  improve  Medicaid
          reimbursement so more den sts could afford to par cipate.  Other access issues were discussed, and the
          reporter’s ar cle appeared in the December 1st Sunday edi on of Newsday.


                                                            In October, we were highlighted in the Able News, a
                                                            newspaper distributed by The Viscardi Center. The
                                                            ar cle explained the importance of good oral health
                                                            and its connec on to over‐all health throughout the

                                             Nassau County Dental Society   (516) 227-1112  |  13
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