Page 5 - Desert Oracle August 2020
P. 5

Executive Director’s Report   August 2020

               Where to start? Our Arizona monsoons seem to have brought the hottest
               days of summer along with no rain. Also we have the never ending
               conversation about the COVID-19 pandemic?

               Our summer has brought my best year so far with my solar system. Of
               course I can’t go outside and enjoy my yard unless it’s before 6am. 100

               degrees by 10 am and instant sunburn is not my idea of relaxing in nature.
               Just waiting for the rain!

               We are on hold with the building sale as our buyers are worried about
               being able to collect rent when they finish in two years with their premium
               apartment complex. This has caused a slowing of our closing on our new

               acquisition from Spina Bifida. We have the office about half packed- thank
               you Dawn and Matt. This move would put us a couple of blocks from the
               Phoenix VAMC and some potential for additional income.

               There is nowhere that you can go to avoid the guesses of COVID-19. I
               have heard it is a farce, a by-product of 5G phone services, a chemical
               warfare experiment and a disease from bats. Guess what? I don’t care

               what you believe. Have you ever noticed that sign at the front of a store: No
               shirt, No shoes – No Service? Well add masks to that. Yes this is America
               but if I went shopping at your grocery store without a shirt you’d probably

               be one of the first people to leave or complain to the store management.
               Don’t want to wear a mask; stay away from others.

               There is a great test going on right now. Sturgis, SD. Approximately 250
               thousand folks enjoying cool weather, great shows, packed restaurants and
               bars with no restrictions; for 7 whole days. Care to wager on the COVID
               numbers in 21 days?

               If you’re a member of PVA and need help; Call our office (602) 244-9168

               Please be safe

               Peter Quinn, Executive Director
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