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What type of needs are there?
      Many theaters of operation have produced veterans who are faced with severe injuries that are not comparable to previous conflicts.
      In many cases, long-term medical care is needed, requiring families to be by the side of their military hero. Cash-strapped families
      must pick up the tab for travel, lodging, and household expenses while their family member undergoes rehabilitation.

      In worst-case scenarios, when military families lose a loved one in the line of duty, they are frequently faced with devastating
      financial hardship. Unforeseen expenses add to the stress of tremendous loss. Families are forced with little to no warning to
      restructure their lives and manage day-to-day bills, all while laying their hero to rest.
      How does the Fund help?
      The families of Arizona Service Members who are currently deployed, have been injured or killed while deployed, or are facing
      hardships caused by their deployment can now receive assistance through the fund to ease any significant financial crisis they might

      How do I request assistance from the Fund?
      Visit this web page for information on how to request assistance from the Fund.

      What about the Arizona Tax Credit?
      With this useful tax credit, you can assist Arizona veterans in need while also enjoying a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your Arizona
      state tax return.  Contributions are also deductible on your federal tax return (though not a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on the federal
      return; only the Arizona State return).  This charity fund has a $1,000,000 cap for refundable Arizona tax credits, so it’s best to get
      your contribution in early during the year. Once $1,000,000 in donations is reached, contributions must be returned, therefore it's
      best to send your donation in early, so you are ensured a credit on your Arizona tax return.
      Review the AZ Tax Credit Form 340 online HERE  for $200 single/head-of-household or $400 married filing-jointly. It costs you
      nothing, yet allows you to redirect Arizona state tax dollars to support veterans in need, making you the boss of the taxman!
      Where may I find online News & Information about the Fund?

             Follow us on Facebook  to read how the Arizona Military Family Relief Fund is helping Arizona's service members and veterans
             overcome hardships caused by their deployment. Also, watch for news and information specific to Service Members and Veterans -
             and their families.
      Arizona Military Family Relief Fund Advisory Committee Meetings
      In the section below, please find agendas and meeting minutes for the Arizona Military Family Relief Fund Advisory Committee,
      which meets monthly. The attached files appear in the order of most-recent-first.
         MFRF-Post911-2020-07 Minutes-Draft.pdf  MFRF-Pre911-2020-07-Minutes-Draft.pdf  MFRF-Post911-2020-06 Minutes-
      Approved.pdf    MFRF-Pre911-2020-06-Minutes-Approved.pdf  MFRF-Post911-2020-05 Minutes-Approved.pdf  MFRF-
      Pre911-2020-05-Minutes-Approved.pdf  MFRF-Post911-2020-04-Minutes-Approved.pdf  MFRF-Pre911-2020-04-Minutes-
      Approved.pdf    MFRF-Pre911-2020-03-Minutes-Approved.pdf  MFRF-Post911-2020-03-Minutes-Approved.pdf  Post911
      2020-02 Approved Minutes.pdf  Pre911 2020-02 Approved Minutes.pdf  2020-01 Pre911 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2020-01
      Post911 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2019-12 Pre911 Minutes - Approved  2019-12 Post911 Minutes - Approved  2019-11
      Pre911 Minutes - Approved  2019-11 Post-911 Minutes - Approved  2019-10-15 Post9-11 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2019-10-
      31 Pre 9-11 Minutes - DRAFT.pdf  2019-09-17 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2019-08-20 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2019-07-16
      Minutes - Approved  2019-06-18 Minutes - Approved  2019-05-21 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2019-04-16 Meeting minutes -
      Approved.pdf     2019-03-19 Meeting minutes - Approved.pdf  2019-02-19 Meeting minutes - Approved.pdf  2019-01-15
      Meeting minutes - Approved.pdf  2018-12-11 Meeting minutes - Approved.pdf  2018-11-20 Meeting minutes - Approved.pdf
         2018-10-18 Meeting Minutes - Approved.pdf  2018-09-18 Meeting minutes - Approved.pdf  2018-08-21 Meeting minutes -
      Approved.pdf    2018-07-17 Meeting minutes - Approved.pdf  2018-06-19 Minutes - Approved  2018-05-15 Minutes -
      Approved     2018-04-17 Minutes - Approved  2018-03-20 Minutes - Draft  2018-02-20 Minutes - Approved  2018-01-16
      Meeting Minutes - Approved.pdf  2017-12-19 Meeting Minutes - Approved.pdf  2017-11-14 Minutes - Draft  2017-10-17
      Minutes - Approved  2017-09-19 Minutes - Approved  2017-05-15 Minutes - Approved  2017-07-18 Minutes - Approved
         2017-06-20 Minutes - Approved  2017-05-09 Minutes - Approved  2017-04-18 Minutes - Approved  2017-03-21 Minutes
      - Approved    2017-02-14 Minutes - Approved  2017-01-17 Minutes - Approved  2016-12-13 Minutes - Approved     2016-11-
      15 Minutes - Approved  2016-10-18 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2016-09-20 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2016-08-16 Minutes -
      Draft.pdf   2016-07-19 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2016-06-21 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2016-05-17 Minutes - Approved.pdf
         2016-04-19 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2016-03-15 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2016-01-19 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2016-01-
      19 Agenda.pdf    2015-12-09 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2015-12-09 agenda.pdf     2015-11-17 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2015-
      11-17 Agenda.pdf   2015-10-20 Minutes - Approved.pdf  2015-10-20 agenda.pdf     2015-09-15 Minutes - Approved.pdf
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