Page 26 - CCFA Journal - Ninth Issue
P. 26

风险管理 Risk Management                           加中金融

    ●      Counterparty risk is the risk of default by brokers or   ●    交易对手风险是指经纪商或衍生品交易对手违约
    derivatives counterparties. When a derivatives contract held   的风险。当基金持有的衍生品合约在交易对手违约时具
    in a fund has a positive market value when the counterparty   有正的市值时可能会出现潜在的损失。当资产管理公司
    defaults, potential losses may occur. When a broker an asset   使用的经纪人违约时,资产管理人可能会亏损。为了监
    manager uses defaults, the asset manager could lose money.    控交易对手风险,公司应持续监控交易对手的信用风险
    To  monitor  counterparty  risk,  a  firm  should  constantly   状况。一些可用于评估交易对手偿付能力状态的指标包
    monitor counterparties’ credit risk profile. Some metrics that   括信用评级、信用违约掉期利差水平、股价水平/趋势和
    can be useful in assessing counterparty solvency status are   违约风险水平。比如 RBC GAM Inc.密切监视其交易对手,
    credit ratings, level of credit default swap spreads, stock price   并在看到 MF Global 的信用状况恶化并避免损失时停止与
    level/trend and default risk level. RBC GAM Inc. has closely
    monitored  its  counterparties,  and,  for  example,  stopped   MF Global 的交易。
    trading with MF Global when seeing the credit profile of the   ●     监管风险是指法律法规的变化会增加经营成本的
    latter deteriorating and avoided losses.                      风险。例如,自 2022 年 6 月起,美国禁止资产管理公司

    ●      Regulatory  risk  is  a  risk  that  changes  in  laws  and   购买俄罗斯债务或股本证券。预见到这一政策的经理人
    regulations will increase the cost of conducting business. For   会出售他们持有的俄罗斯证券并节省成本。环境、社会
    example,  U.S.  asset  managers  have  been  prohibited  from   和治理 (ESG)法规使 ESG 风险成为日益重要的监管风
    purchasing Russian debt or equity securities as of June 2022.   险。全球资产管理公司需要满足其相关司法管辖区的披
    Managers  that  foresaw  this  policy  would  have  sold  their   露要求。与 ESG 风险相关的一个例子是美国当局对德意
    holdings in Russian securities and saved cost. Environmental,   志银行资产管理业务的调查,原因是其涉嫌夸大 ESG 索
    social, and governance (ESG) regulations have made ESG risk   赔。资产管理公司需要具有前瞻性思维以有效管理监管
    an  increasingly  important  regulatory  risk.  Global  asset   风险。
    managers need to fulfil their disclosure requirements in their
    relevant jurisdictions. An example related to ESG risk is U.S.   ●   运营风险和声誉风险是另外两个重要风险。当资
    authorities’  investigation  into  Deutsche  Bank’s  asset-   产管理公司未能满足其利益相关者的期望并因此受到负
    management business for its alleged overstated ESG claims.    面看法时,就会发生声誉风险。声誉风险是对企业或实
    An asset manager needs to be forward-thinking to effectively   体的良好声誉或地位的威胁或危险。运营风险涵盖了资
    manage regulatory risk.                                       产管理公司在进行日常业务活动时面临的不确定性和危
    ●      Operational  risk  and  reputation  risk  are  two  other
    important  risks.  Reputational  risk  happens  when  an  asset   包括网络安全风险、监管合规风险和业务连续性风险。
    manager fails to meet the expectations of its stakeholders and
    is thus negatively perceived. Reputational risk is a threat or   风险框架
    danger to the good name or standing of a business or entity.
    Operational risk summarizes the uncertainties and hazards an   一个好的框架应该涵盖所有主要风险并有一个有效的沟
    asset manager faces when it attempts to  do its day-to-day    通渠道包括监测、报告、反馈、解决问题和紧急纠错机
    business  activities.  This  type  of  risk  can  result  from   制。专业投资人士应有很强的风险意识。以 RBC  GAM
    breakdowns  in  internal  procedures,  people  and  systems.   Inc.为例。其风险管理框架涉及公司的高级管理层、投资
    Significant  operational  risks  today’s  asset  managers  face   政策团队、合规团队、法律团队、风险管理团队等。风
    include  cybersecurity  risk,  regulatory  compliance  risk  and   险意识通过银行和相关业务部门提供的教育嵌入到所有
    business continuity risk.                                     业务部门。它成立了一些跨部门的风险委员会(例如经
                                                                  纪人风险委员会)来解决与风险相关的问题。在 RBC
    Risk Framework
                                                                  GAM Inc.,在每个基金的投资政策声明(授权)中明确
    A good framework should cover all the major risks. It should   允许的基金水平风险和风险限额。 在授权中,投资政策
    have  an  effective  communication  channel  that  includes   团队设定目标、允许的策略、基准、资产类别敞口/行业
    monitoring,  reporting,  feedback,  problem  solving  and     /地区/货币/风格/杠杆的限制。
    escalating  mechanisms.  Risk  awareness  should  be  deeply
    rooted in the mind of all investment professionals. Take RBC
    GAM  Inc.  as  an  example.  Its  risk  management  framework
    involves  the  firm’s  senior  management,  investment  policy
    team, compliance team, legal team, risk management team,
    etc. Risk awareness is embedded in all business units through
    the  education  provided  by  the  bank  and  related  business
    units.  It  has  established  some  cross-department  risk
    committees  (e.g.,  broker  risk  committee)  to  address  risk
    related issues. At RBC GAM Inc., permissible fund level risks
    and risk limits are specified in each fund’s investment policy
    statements  (mandates).  In  the  mandates,  the  Investment
    Policy team sets objectives, strategies allowed, benchmarks,
    limits on asset class exposure /sectors /regions /currencies
    /styles /leverage.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   December 2022
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