Page 29 - CCFA Journal - Ninth Issue
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加中金融                                      风险管理 Risk Management

    important risk factors in the past two years. To address risks   俄乌战争:RBC GAM Inc.迅速减少了对俄罗斯的风险敞
    associated  with  the  pandemic,  RBC  GAM  Inc.  has  closely   口,以降低相关的监管风险和声誉风险。制裁可能导致
    monitored its development, followed the statistics of Covid   材料价格上涨、油价、食品价格上涨。模型将显示哪些
    cases and measures taken in major economies, and analyzed     证券可以从这些举措中受益,从而有助于行业倾斜和证
    how markets/sectors/industries/asset classes reacted to the   券选择。在资产配置方面,投资者将减少对受影响最大
    situation.  Multi-factor  models  can  be  used  here  to  show   的地区(如欧盟)的风险敞口。
    funds’ exposures to countries, sectors, currencies and styles,
    and help allocate capital.                                    通货膨胀:当前高通胀的根本原因包括与大流行相关的
    Ukraine/Russian  war.  RBC  GAM  Inc.  quickly  reduced  its
    exposure  to  Russia,  to  lower  related  regulatory  risk  and   支出增加、封锁后被压抑的需求、供应链中断以及与俄
    reputational  risk.  Sanctions  could  lead  to  higher  materials   乌战争相关的原因——大宗商品价格上涨(石油、食品
    prices,  oil  prices,  food  prices.  Models  would  show  which   价格等)。投资者将把资金分配给受益于通胀上升的行
    securities  can  benefit  from  these  moves  and  thus  help  in   业和证券,并减少将受到通胀上升负面影响的行业和证
    sector tilts and security selection. In asset allocations, markets   券的持仓,从而减轻通胀风险。投资者也有兴趣预测通
    would reduce exposures to regions that are most impacted      胀何时达到顶峰并开始下降。
    (e.g., the European Union).
    Inflation.  The  fundamental  reasons  for  the  current  high   行)一直在积极提高目标利率,以抑制通胀。利率上升
    inflation  include  pandemic-related  ones  –  rising  labor   和利率预测上调降低了股票估值,尤其是在科技、可再
    cost/wage  hikes,  increased  market  liquidity,  more        生能源和增长领域。固定收益资产(尤其是久期较长的
    government  spending,  post-lockdown  pent-up  demand,        固定收益资产)跌幅最大。在这种环境下,投资者会将
    supply chain disruption, and Ukraine/Russia war related ones   更多的资本分配给现金。然而,当利率预计下降时资产
    –  rising  commodity  prices  (oil,  food  prices,  etc.).  In  this   估值将被重置,这会提供一个很好的切入点。例如,11
    situation,  markets  would  allocate  funds  to  sectors  and   月 10 日,美国 CPI 为 7.7%,低于预期的 7.9%,这让人怀
    securities  that  benefit  from  rising  inflation,  and  reduce   疑美联储是否会坚持加息。标准普尔当天上涨 5.5%,纳
    holdings  in  sectors  and  securities  that  will  be  negatively   斯达克指数上涨 7.4%。在利率上升的环境中,增长因素
    impacted by rising inflation, thus mitigating inflation risk.
    Rising Interest Rates. World central banks (especially the Fed   不佳;当利率预计达到峰值和下降时,可能会跑赢大盘。
    and  Bank  of  Canada)  have  been  aggressive  in  raising  their
    target rates in order to tame inflation. Rising rates and higher   2023 年展望
    rate forecasts have lowered the valuation of stocks, especially   本展望仅代表作者的个人观点,不代表 RBC GAM Inc.的
    in  the  technology,  renewable  energy  and  growth  sectors.   观点。三个主要关注领域仍然是美联储的量化紧缩
    Fixed  income  assets  (especially  those  with  long  durations)   (“QT”)计划、乌克兰战争和消费者支出。
    dropped  the  most.  In  this  environment,  markets  would
    allocate  more  capital  to  cash.  However,  when  rates  are   历史上我们从未有过这种水平的 QT。全球量化宽松计划
    expected to drop, asset valuations will be reset, which would   的几个方面“适得其反”,包括一些国家的负利率。各
    provide a good entry point. For example, on November 10,      国央行别无选择,只能取消量化宽松政策,因为系统中
    U.S. CPI came in at 7.7% , lower than the expectation of 7.9% ,   的流动性太多。他们必须消除一些流动性以阻止投机,
    which cast doubt about whether the Fed will stay the course   降低房价,让供应方增加并建立新的平衡。
    to hike rates. The S&P rose 5.5% , and Nasdaq 7.4%  for the
    day. Growth factors have underperformed in a rising interest
    rate environment. Therefore, funds that are highly exposed to
    the  growth  factor  may  have  underperformed;  and  may

    overperform when rates are expected to peak and fall.
    2023 outlook

    This outlook represents only the personal view of the authors,
    and does not represent the views of RBC GAM Inc. The three
    main  areas  of  concern  remain  the  Fed’s  quantitative
    tightening (“QT”) program, the war in Ukraine, and consumer

    We’ve never had this level of QT in history. Several aspects of
    quantitative  easing  programs  across  the  world  ‘backfired,’
    including  negative  rates  in  some  countries.  Central  banks
    don’t  have  a  choice  but  to  remove  quantitative  easing
    because there’s too much liquidity in the system. They have
    to  remove  some  of  the  liquidity  to  stop  the  speculation,
    reduce home prices and allow the supply side to increase and
    establish a new equilibrium.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   December 2022
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