Page 30 - CCFA Journal - Ninth Issue
P. 30

风险管理 Risk Management                           加中金融

    This time, no one knows how long QT2 will last. It will take a   没有人知道这次 QT 能持续多久。将美联储有意将抵押贷
    very long time to reduce the Fed’s mortgage-backed securities   款支持证券投资组合从 5 月份的 2.7 万亿美元减少到零,
    portfolio  from  $2.7  trillion  during  May  back  down  to  zero,   这将需要很长时间。同样将美联储持有的国债从 5 月份的
    which is the intention suggested by some Fed officials. The   5.8 万亿美元减少到 2.4 万亿美元即大流行前 2020 年 1 月
    same  can  be  said  about  reducing  the  Fed’s  holdings  of   的水平同样需要很长时间。
    Treasuries from $5.8 trillion during May to $2.4 trillion, which
    is where it was during January 2020 just before the pandemic.   我 们 担 心 , 现 在 主 要 央 行 必 须 取 消 自 大 金 融 危 机
    We are worried that there is still a lot of downside in asset
    prices  now  that  the  major  central  banks  must  remove  the   行空间,未来债券市场可能会经历更多波动。摩根大通
    “punch  bowls”  they’ve  provided  since  the  Great  Financial   首席执行官 Jaime Diamond 表示:“在全球金融危机期间,
    Crisis (“GFC”), and it is possible to experience more volatility   中央银行、商业银行和外汇交易公司是国债的三大买家。
    in the bond market going forward. Jaime Diamond, CEO of JP    这一次,这些参与者将没有能力或愿望吸收那么多的美
    Morgan  observed:  “Central  banks,  commercial  banks,  and   国债券。这是全球资金流动的巨大变化。
    foreign exchange trading firms were the three major buyers    欧盟委员会预计,欧盟将在今年年底陷入衰退,然后在
    of Treasury securities during the GFC. This time, these players
    won’t have the capacity or desire to  soak up as many U.S.    明年春天恢复正增长。美国和加拿大是否会面临经济衰
    bonds. That’s a huge change in the flow of funds around the   退将主要取决于通胀和加息。
    world.”                                                       俄乌战争重创了欧盟经济,其影响——能源危机、原材

    The  European  Commission  expects  the  EU  to  head  into   料成本飙升——可能大部分都被消化了。但是,政府将
    recession at the end of this year, before returning to positive   在多大程度上削减工业的能源投入以满足住宅用途,取
    growth next spring. Whether the U.S. and Canada are going to   决于战争的发展,冬季温度等。尽管有一些关于谈判的
    face  recessions would  mostly  depend on  inflation  and  rate   讨论,并且没有迹象表明战争升级,但制裁及其影响可
    hikes.                                                        能至少持续到 2023 年下半年。但是,情况随时可能恶化。

    The Russia/Ukraine war has pummelled the EU economy, and      对大宗商品价格的影响特别是食品和燃料价格的影响是
    its effects – energy crisis, soaring raw material costs – may   巨大的。这是第二次世界大战以来最严重的欧洲冲突所
    have  been  mostly  priced  in.  But  to  what  extent  the   造成的破坏石油价格不得不上涨。大宗商品价格推高可
    governments are going to cut energy input for industries to   以归咎于俄乌战争。如果战争继续下去,推高通货膨胀
    meet residential uses depend on the development of the war,   和短缺导致经济衰退的风险。由于利率上升和政府大流
    winter temperature, etc. Although there are some talks about   行援助计划用尽,消费者支出也可能会恶化。
    negotiations,  and  no  indications  of  escalations  of  the  war,
    sanctions and their effects are likely to last at least well into   通货膨胀: 世界石油和天然气价格是通货膨胀的关键因
    the back half of 2023. However, the situation can deteriorate   素。对俄罗斯石油的制裁可能大部分是定价的。在需求
    anytime.                                                      方面,美国汽油消费量似乎呈下降趋势。截至 2019 年,
                                                                  美国 5 年平均每月汽油消费量为 9.28 MMB / d。截至 11 月
    The  impact  of  the  Ukraine  war  on  commodity  prices,
    especially for food and fuel has been significant. Oil had to   4 日,2022 年平均值仅为 8.74 MMB/d。此外,今年到目
    increase in price because of disruptions caused by the worst   前为止,最大每周消费量为 9.47 MMB / d,低于五年中的
    European conflict since World War II. The Ukraine war can be   任何一年。但是,这种比较并不能控制大流行和通货膨
    blamed for driving up commodity prices. If the war continues   胀因素。 在供应方面,欧佩克组织近年来成功合作减产,
    to go on it could push commodity prices higher, boosting both   防止油价下跌。美国生产商似乎也有一个有效的反馈系
    inflation  and  the  risk  of  a  recession  caused  by  shortages.   统来调整他们的产量,以保持油价高于一定水平。他们
    Consumer spending is likely to deteriorate due to the raising   的储量和产能足以增加产量。
    interest  rates  and  as  government  pandemic  assistance
    programs are exhausted.

    Inflation. World oil and natural gas prices are key factors for
    inflation.  Sanctions  on  Russian  oil  may  have  been  mostly
    priced  in.  On  the  demand  side,  it  seems  the  U.S.  gasoline
    consumptions  are  trending  lower.  The  5-year  average
    monthly gasoline consumptions up to 2019 in the U.S. was
    9.28 MMB/d . As of November 4, the 2022 average was only
    8.74 MMB/d. In addition, max weekly consumption was 9.47
    MMB/d so far this year, lower than any of the five years. This
    comparison  doesn’t  control  for  the  pandemic  and  inflation
    factors, though.  On the supply side, OPEC+ has cooperated
    successfully in cutting production to prevent oil prices from
    falling in recent years. U.S. producers also seem to have an
    effective feedback system to adjust their production to keep
    oil prices above certain levels. Their reserves and dug wells
    are enough to increase production.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   December 2022
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