Page 35 - CCFA Journal - Ninth Issue
P. 35

加中金融                                      风险管理 Risk Management

    Challenges of Stress Testing and Credit Provisioning          新冠期间压力测试和信用风险拨备的挑战
    during the pandemic
                                                                  压力测试和 ECL 模型的输入参数为宏观经济和金融指标
    Both stress testing and ECL models rely on macroeconomic
    and  financial  variables  as  inputs,  with  the  parameters   变量,这些变量是根据长达 20 年的历史数据校准的而来。
    calibrated to historical data going back as far as 20 years. In   2020 年第一季度,Covid-19 大流行导致短期内大量企业关
    Q1 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses were shut   闭,数百万人失业,宏观经济出现前所未有的恶化,当
    down and millions of jobs were lost almost overnight followed   时预计 GDP 可能下降 30%,失业率可能高达 50%。为应
    by massive fiscal stimulus from governments. The projected    对新冠疫情的冲击,各国政府相继出台了大规模财政刺
    GDP from the model could be down by up to 30% and the         激措施。基于这些场景和历史数据校准的参数,所有债
    projected unemployment rate could go up to 50%, which have    务人基本上都会违约,并导致巨大损失。为应对新冠肺
    never    happened  before.    Based  on  these  scenarios  and   炎而采取的措施打破了任何基于大流行前数据建立的模
    calibrated parameters via historical data, all obligors would   型范畴。
    essentially default, leading to huge losses. The stimulus and
    other stability measures in response to challenges posed by   因此,银行通过更换模型和显著提升信用风险拨备计提
    Covid-19 break the boundaries of any model that was built     的方式来应对此变化。2020 年第二季度,加拿大皇家银
    based on pre-pandemic data.                                   行的 PCL 为 28 亿加元(第一季度为 4 亿加元), TD 为 32 亿
                                                                  加元(第一季度为 9亿加元),丰业银行为 18亿加元(第一季
    Nevertheless, the banks had to change the model and post a    度为 9.36 亿加元),加拿大帝国商业银行为 14 亿加元(第一
    significant increase in PCLs. In Q2 2020, RBC recorded a PCL of   季度为 2.61 亿加元),蒙特利尔银行为 11 亿加元(第一季度
    2.8Bn (vs. 400MM in Q1), TD 3.2Bn (vs. 900MM in Q1), Scotia   为 1.76 亿加元)。
    Bank 1.8Bn (vs. 936MM), CIBC 1.4Bn (vs. 261MM in Q1), BMO
    1.1Bn (vs. 176MM in Q1).                                      事实证明,银行高估了 PCL。由于基于行业/评级的预期

    Looking  back  from  today,  the  new  credit  models         PD 和 LGD,新的信贷模型未能考虑到政府支持措施,并
    overestimated the PCL levels significantly, by failing to take   高估了财务状况良好的公司的损失,即使是在陷入困境
    into  account  of  government  support  measures,  even  for   的行业。
    companies that were financially strong just because they were   随着一些主要经济体反弹,PCL 在 2021 年期间被下调,
    in  troubled  sectors,  as  the  stressed  PD  and  LGD  were   但这一做法存在争议。因考虑到大流行的情况,相同的
    projected by both sector and rating.
                                                                  压力模型将预测过低的 PD。进入 2021 年,压力测试和
    The PCL were revised down over the course of 2021, as some    ECL 模型面临高通胀和高利率的新挑战,这些都在历史
    major  economies  bounced  back.  However,  it  is  debatable,   数据校准窗口之外。从 2019 年至 2020 年,RBC 季度 PCL
    because the same stress model would predict a too low PD,     如图 4 所示,反映了不断变化的宏观经济环境和信贷模型
    with pandemic scenarios were taken into account. Entering     表现的挑战。
    2021, the stress testing and ECL model have new challenges
    of high inflation and high interest rates, which are all absent   在 2022 年第四季度,由于银行考虑到更悲观的宏观经济
    from  the  historical  data  used  for  model  calibration.    RBC’s   前景,包括可能的衰退、高利率和高通胀,PCL再次大幅
    quarterly  PCL  from  2019  to  2020  is  shown  in  Figure  4,   增长。在 2022 年第四季度,六家主要银行的总 PCL 从第
    reflecting  the  challenges  of  both  changing  macroeconomic   三季度的 15 亿加元增加到 23 亿加元。
    environments and credit model performance.

    In Q4, 2022, PCL has increased substantially again, as banks   Figure 4
    factored  in  more  pessimistic  macroeconomic  outlooks,
    featured by a possible recession, high interest rate, and high               RBC Quarterly PCL from 2019 to 2022
    inflation.  Aggregated PCL for six major banks increased to                                                3000
    2.3Bn during Q4, 2022 from 1.5Bn in Q3 [7].
                                                                                                               2000   Millions


                                                                      Q1 2019  Q2 2019  Q3 2019  Q4 2019  Q1 2020  Q2 2020  Q3 2020  Q4 2020  Q1 2021  Q2 2021  Q3 2021  Q4 2021  Q1 2022  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  -1000

                                                                  Source: RBC quarterly reports


       1.                      5.
       2.                    6.
       3.          7.
           ort/gl-ld/Pages/e18.aspx                                      -provisions-pressure-canadian-banks-4q22-results-
       4.                  06-12-2022

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   December 2022
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