Page 46 - CCFA Journal - Ninth Issue
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    《加中金融期刊》编辑组主要成员                            CCFA Journal Editorial Team

     Ti Wang      Co-Founder and Board Director of CCFA. Mathematics Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. Worked in Bank of Montreal and later in the
     王体           Royal Bank of Canada. Ti is now the Director in Fixed Income Quant team of RBC Capital Markets. He is elected the CPAC President for 2020-

                  2022. 加中金融协会联合创始人,现董事会成员。多伦多大学数学博士。现任加拿大皇家银行资本市场固定收益量化团队主管。加
     Daju Gu      President of CCFA.  Daju is the COO, Toronto Futures Options Swaps Exchange (tFOSE). Daju Gu has over 20 years experiences in insurance,
     顾大局          banking and capital markets, serving financial institutions including London Life, TD, RBC, BMO, Scotia, CDCC and the TMX.      CCFA 现任会
                  长。在保险、银行和资本市场领域拥有超过 20 年的经验,曾服务道明银行、加拿大皇家银行、蒙特利尔银行,CDCC 和 TMX 等金
     Yanan Wu     Board Director of CCFA. Chairman of Kuai Kuai Belt and Road Holdings Pte & Shanghai Yahou Asset Mgmt Inc. Yanan has over 23 years’
     吴雅楠          global and Chinese investment experience as senior portfolio manager for CITIC-Prudential Fund and TD. He was a Specially Recruited Expert
                  appointed by Beijing Government.  Yanan has Ph.D in statistical physics from University Western Ontario.   CCFA 董事会成员。现任快快一
                  带一路控股有限公司董事长和上海亚厚资产管理有限公司董事长,具有逾 23 年全球及国内资深投资管理经验,曾任职信诚基金管
                  理公司和加拿大道明资产管理公司。北京市特聘专家。 1996 年获加拿大西安大略大学统计物理和应用数学的博士学位。

     Emily Gu     Secretary General of CCFA and Private Investment Advisor at TD bank. Emily has more than 20 years international practice as Senior
     顾 怡          Executive in Standard Chartered Bank and UBS.  MBA of Olin Business School, Washington University at St. Louis. 加中金融协会秘书长, 目

                  前在道明银行担任私人投资顾问,Emily 在渣打银行和瑞士银行拥有 20 多年的专业及金融管理经验。Emily 是美国华盛顿大学圣路
     Yicent Chen   Executive Director of CCFA and Vice President of Trading Analytics in BMO Capital Markets. Yicent has accumulated over 8 years in Canadian
     陈益龙          banks, with intensive experiences from model validation and quantitative model development to derivative pricing model validation. Yicent
                  holds a Master of Science degree in Finance from Simon Fraser University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from UBC.
     Michael Lu   CCFA Executive Committee Member and Senior Business Development Manager RBC Global Asset Management Inc. Prior to RBC, Michael
     鲁晓轶          held various roles in data analytics, front-office capital markets, and actuarial consulting with banking and consulting.  Michael has a BMath
                  in Actuarial Science & Finance from the University of Waterloo and MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business. 加中金融协会执行董事,
                  并在 RBC 环球资产管理的顾问渠道销售小组担任资深业务拓展经理。在加入 RBC 之前,Michael 在银行及咨询公司担任过数据分
                  析、资本市场前端和精算咨询领域的多个职位。拥有滑铁卢大学精算学与金融专业数学学士学位和西安大略 Ivey 学院的 MBA。
     Yuqing       Eugene is the co-founder of CynoRisk Analytics Inc. based at The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematics Sciences. Before Eugene
     (Eugene)     retired from RBC in July 2022, he was a senior director at Global Risk Analytics, Group Risk Management in RBC.  Ph.D in theoretical physics
     Wang         from the University of Hong Kong and a Master of Mathematical Finance from the UofT.  Eugene 是在菲尔兹数学科学研究所 创办的
                  CynoRisk Analytics Inc. 的联合创办人。2022 年 7 月从加拿大皇家银行退休之前,Eugene 是量化风险分析部高级总监,主要从事交
     王宇青          易对手风险 和市场风险相关的风险和资本金计量等方面的建模方法研究和模型开发。香港大学理论物理博士及多伦多大学数学金
     Jeff Huang   Director of Exposure and Capital Analytics at Scotiabank. More than 10 years experience in economic and regulatory capital modelling,
                  optimization, asset liability management and reporting. Mater degree in Economics and a Bachelor’s degree in actuarial science and
                  accounting from University of Manitoba. Chartered Professional Accountant (CGA) designation with Society of Actuaries.加拿大丰业银行兼
                  风险与资本分析总监。 Jeff 在银行和保险业的经济和监管资本建模和优化、资产负债管理及财务报告方面拥有 10 多年的经验。
                  Jeff 拥有曼尼托巴大学的经济学硕士学位和精算学和会计学士学位,以及特许专业会计师 (CGA) 的称号和精算师协会会员
     Sarah Li     Sarah is a graduate student majoring in Master of Finance at McMaster University in Canada. Sarah has a bachelor of economics and
     李胤君          mathematics degree and had worked as a financial analyst intern in a domestic insurance company in China. She is currently focusing
                  pursuing CFA certificate.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   December 2022
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