Page 44 - CCFA Journal - Ninth Issue
P. 44

协会年会 CCFA Gala                                   加中金融

    图五: CCFA 志愿者贡献奖 Charley Chen(左一)                                 图六:社区青年领袖奖 Oliver Xin(左一)

    除了满满干货的访谈环节和激动人心的颁奖环节,热情洋溢的街舞拉开了晚宴的序幕。由 Ariana Wang 带来悠扬曼妙的古

    In addition to the interview session and awards session, an enthusiastic K-pop dance group kicked off the dinner. The melodious
    and graceful guzheng performance and Latin dance performed by Ariana Wang brought the dinner to a climax, and then ended with
    the deep and powerful bass singing. The guests reunited, made new friends and had a great event in this dinner.

    披荆斩棘,坚忍不拔,尽管经过疫情的洗礼,却并没有消磨 CCFA 的意志,反而让它焕然一新,大放异彩。专业的论坛讲
    力量加入,使得 CCFA 在近两年中不断扩大影响力,成为群英荟萃的交流平台。CCFA 在此也期待更多有热情的行业志愿者
                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   December 2022
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