Page 8 - CCFA Journal - Fourth Issue
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Investment Forum 投资论坛 加中金融
韩笑: 急进不合理的 ESG 投资方案,可能对相关公司不好,对环境也有间接负面影响。您认为 ESG 面临的主要挑战和 ESG 的未来是什
Paula: 我们还有很长的路要走。目前存在很多问题,而投资行业有机会在推动这个星球发生积极变化方面发挥重要作用。人们无法避
以前,监管环境都是自愿的,几乎没有对各个行业的监管。然而,我们第一次看到对投资的监管要求,就像 OSC 或 SEC 一样,我们
的,他们可能也会因短期行为而受到处罚。进行系统性和结构性的变革是众望所归。ESG 作为一种经营方式需要常态化,而聪明的企
ESG 只是一种获取新客户的营销手段。我认为 ESG 共识正在持续增长,将会有更多的产品进入市场。即使是私人股本也可以为 ESG
韩笑: 2021 年 4 月 16 日,香港联合交易所有限公司(简称“联交所”)就拟议修订的《公司治理准则》和《上市规则》征求公众意见,旨
键 ESG 考虑因素。根据你的个人经验和观察: 女性领导能力和 ESG 之间有关联吗? 除了性别之外的多样性呢? 你对有抱负的女性专业人
Xiao: A hasty and imperfect approach to ESG will end up being detrimental to both the companies concerned, and the planet. What do you think are
the main challenges faced by ESG and future of ESG?
Paula: We have a long way to go. There are a lot of existing issues, and the investment industry has an opportunity to play a major role in driving positive
change on this planet. One cannot avoid conflict of interest, in particular when the big banks lend money to energy projects that are harmful for the
planet, and all the while pledging net-zero or carbon reductions initiatives. So having the right regulations are very important.
There needs to be more consistent disclosure of data from companies and we are seeing a push from the regulatory bodies to require this. Also, for the
first time we are seeing regulatory requirements being placed on ESG products, and guidelines being set for disclosures and definitions. The SFDR and
climate change taxonomy set out by the EU requires disclosure and approval that a manager’s products are green and adhering to specific definitions.
It’s a tremendous opportunity for the financial industry, . ESG needs to become normalized as a way of doing business, and a smart business is the
company who see it as a way to win in the long run. I think there are many companies in the investment industry who are saying ESG is just a marketing
gimmick to gain new clients. And that is true for some. That is why the EU and also the SEC have recently made announcements and are looking to
crack down on the green washing. ESG awareness is continuing to grow, and there will be more products across asset classes coming to market.
Honeytree like many ESG investors are looking to drive capital into the right companies and projects that are making a positive difference and addressing
the world’s social and environmental challenges.
Xiao: On April 16, 2021, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK) issued a consultation paper (the "Consultation") seeking public comment
on proposed amendments to the SEHK's Corporate Governance Code and Listing Rules intended to promote good corporate governance practices
among listed companies and IPO applicants. Beside the climate change, Diversity is another key ESG consideration that is attracting the attention of
regulators around the world. Based on your personal experience and observation: Is there a correlation between female leadership and ESG? What about
diversity beyond gender - what are you seeing? What advice would you give an aspiring female professional talent, especially in Financial industry?
Paulina: 针对性别的研究表明,当女性在董事会中所占的比例达到 30%时,公司的表现会更好。MSCI 每年都会发布一份女性董事会报
告,今年他们做了一项有趣的分析发现,女性在董事会任职 3 年且性别多样性比例至少为 30%的董事会表现优于所有 ESG 标准。这是
对于 Honeytree 来说,我们总是把种族多样性和性别放在一起看,因为如果你只看性别,你可能只会看到很多白人女性,而这并不能
Glassdoor 上关注这些额外的因素,包括技术团队、执行成员、董事会和全体员工。许多公司都急于公开披露其董事会成员比例,而我
们所投资的所有公司都被要求披露这一比例。欧洲在 30%性别规则方面做得很好,美国也做得很好。加拿大仍需要改进,我们正在推动
韩笑: 有限的 ESG 和技术投资人才是加拿大 ESG 全面整合的另一个障碍。对于想在这一领域寻求机会的年轻专业人士,ESG 投资的关
Paulina: 与男人相比我认为现在是女人的好时机。这个世界越来越能意识到多样性。在可持续性方面,金融界和 ESG 正在大幅增长,
总的来说,从 ESG 的角度来看,我认为现在是女性从事投资组合管理的好时机,因为这个行业中没有那么多女性投资组合经理。2010
年,10%的投资组合经理是女性,但到 2020 年,这一比例仍为 10%。晨星公司(Morningstar)的一份报告显示,中国在招聘女性投资组合
经理方面有所改善,优于北美。从投资组合管理的角度理解 ESG 的能力是至关重要的,我们的整个框架与平等和多样性相一致——两
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