Page 30 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 30

企业上市 Listing                                     加中金融

    4、美国金融市场还是中国企业理想的上市融资场所吗?                                     4.  Is  the  US  financial  market  still  an  ideal  place  for  Chinese
                                                                  companies to go public and raise funds
    将选择赴美上市。首先,美国有全球最大的金融市场,其流动                                   Although  it is getting more difficult for Chinese companies  to  be
    性更优异,规模相对较大,能为优秀标的公司提供更有效的服                                   listed in the U.S, some will still choose to go public in the United
                                                                  States.  First,  the  U.S.  has  the  largest  financial  market  with  best
    务。除股票交易以外,其它交易品种、交易手段更加多元化,                                   liquidity,  and  comprehensive  services  for  outstanding  target
    有助于企业后续投融资策略的实施;其次,美股市场模式更成                                   companies. In addition to stock trading, other trading methods and
    熟,制度和法规体系更加健全,市场运营更为有效。再次,美                                   trading  products  are  more  diversified,  which  will  help  companies
    股市场的股票市场定价相对稳定,估值更合理。尤其是对于可                                   implement  subsequent  investment  and  financing  strategies  better;
    选消费等行业,美股市场的估值要略高于港股,这些行业的拟                                   Second, the U.S. stock market is more mature and better regulated.
    上市企业赴美上市更能准确地体现公司价值以及市场对其商业                                   Again,  the  market  pricing  of  stocks  is  relatively  stable,  and  the
    模式的认可度。同时,得益于美股市场行业的多样性和投资者                                   valuation  is  more  reasonable.  Especially  in  the  consumer
                                                                  discretionary  industry,  the  valuation  of  the  U.S.  stock  market  is
    的全球化,一些受制于 A 股市场限制的行业或还未受到境内投                                 slightly higher than that of the HK stock market. Therefore, the listing
    资者关注的企业而言,赴美上市是较为理想的选择。                                       of these companies can more accurately reflect the company’s value
                                                                  and the public’s recognition of its business in the U.S market. At the
    中概股和有意赴美上市的企业应积极应对当前面临的困难和挑                                   same time, since some businesses that are subject to the restrictions
    战:                                                            of the A-share market may not yet attract the attention of domestic
                                                                  investors, listing in the United States will be an ideal choice because
                                                                  of the U.S. market’s globalization and diversity.
    管理,提升自身抗风险能力,保证信息披露的真实性,加强内                                   Chinese companies intending to go public in the United States should
    部审计和风险合规管理,尤其是对于做空机构经常指控的几点                                   actively respond to the current difficulties and challenges.
    上市所在地的环境,从语言、文化、投资者服务等方面做好充                                   First,  the  company’s  governance  structure  should  be  improved.
    分对接,从根本上减少被恶意做空的机会。                                           Operations and management should be strengthened, following the
                                                                  general rules of the international market practice, and self-resistance
    第二,应建立一套完善的应对措施积极应对恶意做空的企图。                                   capabilities  should  be  improved  to  ensure  the  authenticity  of
    公司内部应该组建相关的团队加强市场监测,及时发现问题和                                   information disclosure. Also, CCS should strengthen internal audit
    隐患并及时做出改进。对外要和有关媒体、评级机构或监管机                                   and risk compliance management and take precautions against some
    构及时沟通互动,以便在恶意做空的时候迅速反应,做出得当                                   points frequently accused by short sellers to improve the company’s
                                                                  reputation in the market.
    的危机公关处理。可以参考 2012 年新东方被做空事件,俞敏洪
    当时及时召开了媒体沟通会,并且宣布和几位高层计划用私人                                   Second, a comprehensive set of measures should be established to
    资产公开购买价值 5000 万美金的 ADS,表明自己对企业的信心。                            actively  respond  to  malicious  short-selling  attempts.  Special  task
    沟通会及时地挽回了投资者的信心。                                              forces should be formed within the company to strengthen the public
                                                                  relations and market monitoring functions, detect problems in time
    第三,利用多重手段提高信誉,增强投资者信心。对内,公司                                   and improve immediately.
    式稳定市价并且消除市场投资者的疑虑。如新东方事件的回购                                   Third,  Chinese  companies  should  use  multiple  ways  to  improve
    ADS 手段,当时被认为是对浑水恶意做空的有力回击,在积极                                 reputation  and  enhance  investor  trust.  Internally,  the  company’s
    应对下,新东方股价开始回升并屡创新高。对外,也可以使用                                   shareholders or senior management can increase their shareholdings,
                                                                  repurchase stocks and increase dividends to stabilize the market price
    外部信用背书来提高投资者的信心,通常方式主要有:与独立                                   and eliminate the doubts from market investors.
    查报告;适时公布重大商业合同,尤其是和优秀标的公司的合                                   Fourth, Chinese companies need to seek to cooperate with relevant
    作或者对未来公司发展有重大影响的相关合同;争取相关权威                                   American institutions or enterprises to break the language barriers of
    机构和政府有关部门的声援支持。                                               American investors and eliminate investors' doubts. First, they can
                                                                  hire an audit firm recognized by the U.S. market to serve Chinese
    第四,寻求和美国的有关机构或者企业合作,打破美国投资者                                   companies  to  maximize  the  transparency  and  authenticity  of
    的语言壁垒,消除投资者疑虑。首先,可以聘请美国市场认可                                   information.  Secondly,  you  can  also  consider  cooperating  with
    的审计机构为中国企业服务,最大化做到信息的透明和真实性。                                  related  American  companies  or  increase  the  percentage  of  native
    其次,也可以考虑和美国相关企业合作,或者增加美国本土籍                                   American  managers  and  employees,  and  pay  close  attention  to
                                                                  changes  of  the  U.S.  market,  which  has  strengthened  investor
    管理人员和员工的比例,密切关注美国资本市场的动向,增强                                   confidence.  Third,  take  the  initiative  to  strengthen  the  interaction
    投资者的信心。再次,主动加强与研究机构分析师和媒体的互                                   with analysts of research institutions and the media in time.
    投资者预期。                                                        Fifth, to attack short-selling institutions, Chinese companies should
                                                                  cooperate  with  the  investigation  of  the  regulatory  authorities  and
    第五,面对做空机构的恶意狙击,主动配合监管部门的调查并                                   actively respond to collective lawsuits that may come from investors.
    积极应对可能来自投资者的集体诉讼。积极主动配合调查的态                                   The attitude of positively corresponding with the investigation can
    度可以有效表明自身立场,主动挽回投资者的信任,也可以缩                                   effectively show one’s own attitude, winning the trust from investors,
                                                                  and can also shorten the investigation time, optimizing to reduce the
    短调查时间,最大化降低在调查期间的股价波动带来的损失。                                   loss caused by stock price fluctuations during the investigation period.
    应该及时雇佣具有跨境诉讼经验的法律团队,去和投资者寻求                                   Refusing  to  evade,  a  legal  team  with  experience  in  cross-border
    和解,拒绝一味逃避,争取降低未来面对更严重的诉讼赔偿的                                   litigation should be hired so that they can help seek reconciliation
    可能性。                                                          with  investors  and  try  to  reduce  the  possibility  of  more  serious
                                                                  litigation compensation in the future.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   DECEMBER 2020
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