Page 27 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 27
企业上市 Listing 加中金融
从市场表现看,在美中概股明显跑输纳斯达克指数。过去十年, In terms of market performance, CCS obviously underperformed the
纳斯达克综指累计上涨超过 4 倍,同期中概股指数涨幅为 149%, Nasdaq Index. the Nasdaq Composite Index raised more than 400%
不及纳斯达克综指涨幅一半,如图 6 所示,考虑到中概股公司 while China Concepts stock Index increased by only 149% over the
超过三分之二在纳斯达克上市,表明中概股的市场表现相对较 last 10 years. As shown in Figure 6, considering that more than two-
thirds of CCS are listed on Nasdaq, the figure indicates that CCS’
弱。这与在美中概股被频繁做空有一定关系,在中概股遭遇频 performance is relatively weak, which is related to the frequent
繁做空时期,如 2011、2015 和 2018 年,中概股指数均大幅跑 shorting of foreign investors. During those periods of frequent short
输纳斯达克指数。 selling, such as 2011, 2015 and 2018, CCS Index all underperformed
Nasdaq index.
较高。根据万得数据,截至 2020 年 8 月 15 日,剔除亏损企业 In terms of valuation, the overall valuation of U.S. listed CSS is not
后在美中概股的 PE 中值为 17.4,仍低于全部美股剔除亏损企 high, and a large proportion of those companies is making a loss.
业后的 PE 中值 19.4。从估值分布看,中概股 PE 高于 20 倍的 According to Wind data, by August 15th, 2020, the median PE ratio
企业占比明显低于全部美股的平均水平,但亏损企业占比明显 of CCS after excluding loss-making companies is 17.4 times, which
is still lower than the PE ratio of all U.S. stocks after excluding loss-
偏高,达到 45.7%,高于全部美股 33.6%的水平。中概股估值折 making companies, of 19.4 times . From the perspective of valuation
价除了与其频繁遭遇做空有关外,也与其在美股环境中受到的 distribution, the proportion of U.S. listed Chinese companies with a
关注度较低、信息不对称有关。 PE ratio more than 20 times is significantly lower than the average
level of all U.S.stocks. However, 45.7% of those Chinese companies
is loss-making, which is higher than 33.6% of all US stocks. In
addition to being short-selling frequently, low valuation of CCS is
also related to the low level of attention and asymmetric information
received in the U.S. stock market environment.
图 6:中概股市场表现跑输纳斯达克综合指数 Figure 6: Performance of Nasdaq Index and CCS Index
图 7:中概股估值水平与全部美国比较 Figure 7: Comparison of Valuation Levels between US Stocks and CCS
数据来源:Wind,中国银河证券研究院,截至 2020 年 8 月 15 日
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