Page 22 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 22
人物专访 Interview 加中金融
Yicent: 鉴于您从事投资行业已有二十多年了,您能否与我们分 Yicent: Given that you have been in the investment industry for more
享在金融市场上学到的最有价值的东西?我知道这是一个非常 than two decades, can you share the most valuable thing you learned
宽泛的问题,但是能不能选择一两点讲讲? in financial markets with us? I understand it is a very broad question,
but let’s pick one or two?
Seco 教授: 我想谈谈一件基本的事情。我们已经知道这个一年
Professor Seco: I am going to talk about one thing that is
fundamental. We have known this for over a year that there’s going
或彭博新闻等非结构化数据平稳过渡。这个过程将会加速。在 to be a smooth transition in our ability to understand financial
这种情况下,我们正从数字世界转到我们称之为模拟世界的地 markets from structured data like Bloomberg to unstructured data
方,我们正在回去。更准确地说,我们正在将一切数字化为更 like Twitter or Bloomberg News etc. That process is going to be
高维度的数字。这将对一切产生巨大影响,例如,公司使用基 accelerating. In this circumstance we are going from the digital world
本分析结合用语言而不是数字的敏感性分析进行交易。您必须 to where we call it an analog world and we are going back. To be
more precise we are digitalizing everything into a higher dimensional
digital. This is going to have a tremendous impact on everything for
example from trading when companies are using fundamental
analysis along with sensitivity analysis that uses words not numbers.
该行业具有竞争力和吸引力。同时,它将需要具有相应的不同 You have to have a real understanding of this aspect, and that is going
技能的人参与。我们将看到越来越多的科学家参与到金融市场 to affect risk management in the sense that compliance and regulation
中来。在此,我想指出,社会科学家对金融市场的影响将非常 are going to be affected by things that are hard to quantify. For
大。 example, ESG (environmental, social and governance) is almost a
psychology thing or sociological element that you have to quantify.
Yicent: 是什么让您在这些日子坚持下来? This will make the industry competitive and interesting. At the same
time, it will require different types of individuals who have that
Seco 教授: 不是具体的一件事,而是 “担心” 让我坚持下来。担
skillset to participate in it. We are going to see more and more
心有可能失去的一些机会,例如我失去了什么,我没有意识到 scientists participate in financial markets going forward. So, I want
什么,哪些我遗漏的公司将产生重大影响,哪些遗漏的行业我 to point out that the impact of social scientists in financial markets is
们 MMF 学生可以找到工作,又或加拿大或者中国市场哪些部 going to be very high.
Yicent: What keeps you up these days most of the time?
么创立 GGSJ,创建项目来实际帮助他们建立中加之间的联系。 Professor Seco: It’s not really a specific thing that keeps me up
我担心周围的人失去潜在机会,这让我坚持下来。 because of worry. It is the potential of missing opportunities such as
what I am missing, what I did not realize, what companies I am
missing that is going to have a tremendous effect, what industry I am
missing where our MMF student can find a job, or which sector in
the Canadian or Chinese market is looking for people. Also, I am
thinking about how I can help a student from Chinese universities to
connect with Canadian universities, given the fact that I am here and
there, back and forth for most of the time. That is how GGSJ was
created by creating programs to actually help them get connected
between China and Canada. These things are my fears of losing
potential opportunities for people around me that keep me up.
Page 22 第22页