Page 28 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 28
企业上市 Listing 加中金融
2、中概股为什么被频繁做空 2. Why Are CCS Frequently Shorted
In recent years, CCS listed in the U.S. have been frequently shorted.
近年来,在美中概股被频繁做空,从做空手段看,做空机构通 Short-selling agencies usually follow four rules: 1) financial report
常从四个方面入手:1)财务报表,如某些盈利指标与国内同 mismatching, such as a large difference in profit indicators from the
行业或者与境外同行业差距过大;2)公司业务,如关注关联 same industry between the U.S. and China; 2) the company’s
交易、大量业务外包和复杂的股权架构等;3)管理层异动, business, such as related transactions, large-scale business
如重点关注股东与高管的减持行为以及管理层重大变动等;4) outsourcing and complex equity ownership structure; 3) the
审计环节,如重点观察审计中介是否配合公司财务造假、是否 abnormal changes of major shareholders and senior management; 4)
存在欺诈风险等。 the audit process, such as focusing on observing whether the audit
intermediary cooperates with the company’s financial fraud and
whether there is fraud risk, etc.
文化差异以及大博弈背景下中概股生存环境恶化等有关。具体 The frequent shorting is not only due to their own quality and
主要体现在以下几个方面: characteristics, but also attributes to the political and economical
conflicts between China and the United States. Specifically, the
following aspects reflect the situation:
国公司选择美国股票市场融资的主要原因是由于在内地或香港 Firstly, the quality of U.S. listed Chinese companies varies, and most
上市需要达到较高的上市标准,成本较高,而美国市场对拟上 companies are of small cap. The main reason why Chinese
市的公司设立的门槛相对较低,对一些想短时间融资的公司来 companies go public in the U.S. market is that listing in the Mainland
or Hong Kong needs relatively higher standards and higher cost.
讲更有吸引力。由于门槛相对偏低就导致了公司本身质量参差 However, because of the relatively low threshold, the quality of the
不齐。目前,在美中概股中有近一半企业处于亏损状态,该比 company itself varies. Currently, nearly half of the U.S. listed
例远高于美股平均水平。从盈利能力看,中概股也表现出两级 Chinese stocks are suffering from losses, which is a higher
分化的特点,257 家公司中有 112 家净资产收益率(ROE)为负, percentage compared to the average performance in the U.S. market.
有 79 家公司 ROE 大于 10%,ROE 分布于中间区间的公司数量较 As for the profitability aspect, CCS also show the polarized
少,如图 8 所示。 characteristics: among 257 companies, 112 companies have a
negative ROE and 79 companies have ROE greater than 10%. The
number of companies with ROEs in the middle range is relatively
其次,中概股本身的差异化特点及信息不对称使境外投资者对 small, as shown in Figure 8.
中概股的信任度相对较低。中概股普遍采用 VIE 架构,这些公
司注册地大多不在美国的管辖范围内,而且在转移资金时可能 Secondly, differences and information asymmetry of CCS make
在中国受到惩罚性征税,使境外投资者追诉赔偿损失时面临更 foreign investors have relatively low trust in CCS. CCS generally
大障碍。同时,中概股的股权结构更为集中化,如前三大股东 adopted VIE structure so that most of these companies’ registration
的股权比例的中位数均高于美股全市场同比的中位数,特别是 places are not within the jurisdiction of the United States and may be
subject to the transfer of capital in China. When it confronts punitive
第一大股东在持股比例上和全部美股的偏差更为显著:中概股 taxation, foreign investors will face even more obstacles to pursue
第一大股东的持股比例的中位数为 31.79%,平均数为 34.68%, compensation for losses.
而美股的中位数是 14.59%,平均数为 19.96%。中概股的股权高
度集中也加重了投资者对大股东或者管理层有可能利用高持股 At the same time, the equity structure of CCS is more concentrated.
的优势操纵股价的信任危机。另外,中美两国在会计准则、监 For example, the median shareholding ratio of the top three
管法律、税收制度、营商环境等方面存在不少差异,以及语言 shareholders is higher than the median calculated from the entire U.S.
stock market, especially the deviation of the shareholding ratio of the
壁垒、信息不对称等问题,投资者无法进行特别准确的判断和 first shareholder between CCS and all U.S. stocks – which is even
实地考察。 more significant. The median shareholding ratio of the largest
shareholder of CCS is 31.79%, and the average is 34.68%. As for
U.S. stocks, the median is 14.59% and the average is 19.96%.
The high concentration of equity in CCS has also raised concerns that
the controlling shareholders may use their superior shareholding
advantages to manipulate stock prices. In addition, there are
significant differences in accounting standards, regulatory laws,
taxation systems, business environments, to name a few, between
China and the United States. At the same time, problems of language
barriers and information asymmetry still exist so that investors are
unable to make accurate decisions or do on-site inspections.
图 8:中概股净资产收益率分布 Figure 8: The Distribution of ROE of CCS
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