Page 5 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 5


                                                                                              2020 加中金融论坛

                                                                       2020 年 12 月 12 日东部标准时间晚上 7 点,由加中金融
                                                                       协会 CCFA 主办的“2020 加中金融论坛-新格局新机遇”成
                                                                       来自不同国家和地区的近 240 位观众分享了自己见解。

                                                                       CCFA 会长顾大局致开幕辞: “今天非常荣幸能够邀请到
                                                                       坛。” 大局会长深情寄语:“从新冠大流行到地缘政治,
                                                                       从市场波动到宅家孤独, 2020 年的大部分时间充满了不
                                                                       道尽头的光亮。跨过戏剧性的 2020 年,期许大家都有一


                                                                       联合创始人、格林威治商业研究所联席主席 BRUCE
                                                                       MCGUIRE 主持讨论,同来自多伦多大学国际贸易与经
                                                                       济学系讲座教授 LOREN BRANDT 、瑞士日内瓦高级国
                                                                       际关系及发展学院讲席教授 YI HUANG 和来自加拿大皇
                                                                       家银行证券投资组合策略师 JIM ALLWORTH同桌展开了
                                                                       他回顾了中国 2008 年金融危机前后的数据,对中国未来
                                                                       HUANG 教授则侧重谈及资本力量,也表达了自己对中
                                                                       国资本市场发展的信心。具有 50 多年丰富投资经验来自
    RBC 的 JIM 对中国现行的经济状况以及 2021 年引领亚洲新兴市场经济复苏表示肯定。

    On December 12, 2020, 7pm Eastern Standard Time (EST), the 2020 Canada China Finance Forum (CCFF) – A New Dynamic: Opportunities
    from China and the West – was successfully organized by the Canadian Chinese Finance Association (CCFA). The forum lasted three and a half
    hours, with industry leaders from three countries – including China, Canada and the United States – participating in three heated panel
    discussions: "Cross-border Investment Dialogue between China and the world", "Application of Machine Learning in Financial Institutions" and
    "Talent and Development". Many industrial leaders and scholars tuned in from Beijing, Hong Kong, Vancouver, Toronto, Europe and the United
    States on the Zoom platform, with a total audience count close to 240.
    Opening Address

    Daju Gu, the president of CCFA, delivered a short opening speech to kick off the 2020 CCFF. He welcomed all the speakers and a brief
    description of each of the topics they will be speaking on for the next three and half hours. “From pandemic to geopolitics, from market volatility
    to the sense of isolation, much of the working-from-home 2020 has been dramatic, filled with uncertainty and anxiety. Yet with the effective
    vaccines being administered, we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. As we cross-out the pandemic-torn 2020, I wish you all have a safe
    holiday season and a prosperous new year!.” President Daju said.

    Panel 1 Cross-border Investment Dialogue :China and the World

    BRUCE MCGUIRE, the founder of the Greenwich Economic Forum, moderated the first panel which includes; LOREN BRANDT, Noranda
    Chair Professor of International Trade and Economics Department of Economics, University of Toronto; YI HUANG, Associate professor at the
    Graduate Institute in Geneva; JIM ALLWORTH, Investment Strategist from RBC Dominion Securities.
    Professor LOREN, whose research on China's economy spans more than 30 years, looked at data before and after the 2008 financial crisis to
    share his view on China’s productivity trends and the impact of its policy-driven economy. Professor YI HUANG focused on the power of
    capital and expressed his confidence in China’s developing capital market system. JIM, who has more than 50 years of investment analysis
    experience at RBC, praised China's current economic performance and its leadership in leading emerging Asia's economic recovery in 2021.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   DECEMBER 2020
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