Page 7 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
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    线上论坛同步提供了直播字幕,及时捕捉嘉宾的论点,这也是人工智能在线上会议的强大应用。另一是中与观众的互动采用了 Slido

    会近 20 位志愿者 400 小时的紧张筹办最后完美呈现的。

    大局会长最后表示,CCFA 是一个促进加拿大和中国之间的双边金融领域业界交流的平台。我们通过专业研讨会、杰出讲者系列会议
    和像这样的金融论坛年度会议来认识诸多业界的领袖人物,吸收到加中北美多地的金融最新趋势和先进理念。最近 CCFA 还推出了加


    加中金融协会 CCFA成立于 2001年,旨在成为加拿大和中国金融业和政府值得信赖的顾问和行业倡导者。 CCFA拥有3000多名会员,
    致力于促进加拿大和中国金融及其相关领域的研究,教育,监管和商业实践方面的信息交流。在过去的 19 年里,CCFA 已经发展成为
    促进金融业双边关系的重要平台之一。加中金融论坛的开启,是进一步提升 CCFA 品牌的专业性的标志之一,从而共同建立两国的紧

    Other Forum Highlights

    The whole forum was well received. The use of technology, including Zoom’s live transcripts and Slido’s Q&A features were lauded by the
    participants. Many were impressed that this global online conference was planned and executed so well by a group of CCFA volunteers, who were
    praised for their commitment, dedication, and passion for finance, education, and international business development.
    “Canadian Chinese Finance Association is a non-profit organization established in 2001. Our mandate is to facilitate the bi-lateral professional
    exchange between Canada and China. CCFA is a platform that enables its membership of professionals, entrepreneurs, and academia in the financial
    industry  to  explore  issues  of  significance.  We  deliver  our  mandate  through  professional  seminars,  distinguished  speaker  series  and  annual
    conferences like this one.” CCFA President Daju emphasized at the end. ”A new initiative added to our platform is the CCFA Journal of Finance
    - a quarterly publication in both Chinese and English. I'd like to thank all our sponsors for their support. I am equally thankful for the great effort
    made by many CCFA volunteers who made all these happen.”

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   DECEMBER 2020
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