Page 11 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 11
决策管理 Strategy Management 加中金融
P3: People 以人为本 P3: Focus on the PEOPLE
任何营利性或非营利性组织的目的都是满足人类需求,提供的 At the heart of any profit or not-for-profit organization is the desire
产品和服务创新核心是人。在过去的十年里,客户的预期在变; to address a human need or want. Product and service innovation is
期望更多的选择并得到快速满足。许多企业不得不为消费行为 centered around fulfilling these gaps. Client expectations have
changed dramatically over the past decade; they expect more options
彻底改变的商业革命不断抗争。颠覆性的公司之所以成功,是 and quick fulfillment. What has made disruptive companies in the
因为它们的流程将供需无缝衔接,利用实时数据正确定价。这 share-economy so successful is their simplistic payments platform
些公司始终不懈地关注人的需求,提供便利,实现客户信任和 which utilizes real time data for right-pricing and processes that
传奇体验。更多加拿大银行已从交易业务中心转型为以客为本 connect demand to supply seamlessly. These companies are
为使命,多样性和包容性体现在服务日常。 relentless in focusing on the needs of people, brokering trust and
making it easy for the consumer.
子(技术支持小组)和一个跟随的滞留旅客埃里卡(通信和媒体联 Many businesses over the past decade have had to contend with
络员)。我们负责帮助旅客下载正确的应用设备, 添加信息, 监控 disruptive technologies, the emergence of revolutionary concepts that
change consumer behaviors and rapid speed of commerce.
留言板, 组织媒体沟通和官方回复等所有可能有助于缓解焦虑 Delivering clients’ ambitions and providing legendary experiences
的管理任务,做好一切回家的准备。我们各司其职群策群力下, are achieved through understanding the unique journey of each
努力终于有了回报。我们最初的 32 名加拿大人中 27 人通过私 persona. A number of Canadian banks have been on a path to
人航班回家了。五天后,加拿大航空公司开始从基多机场起飞, transform their transactional business into one that is more customer
连续 3 天将 1000 多名加拿大人都安全带回家。虽然没有因此获 centric. People solving the needs and wants of people, with
得表彰,但我深信,这是我们有组织为明确的共同目标不懈努 technologies and processes working in tandem to enhance speed and
力的结果。 quality of the solution. This had led to the adoption of new ways of
working, re-engineering of individual roles and embracing diversity
and inclusion into new team norms.
从 COVID-19 疫情中回到加拿大好像做了一场梦。疫情中企业 The Canadians in Ecuador command center was comprised of myself,
对危机反应迅速,政府雪中送碳的支持,也尽可能减少了对客 my two teenagers (aka tech support team) and a fellow stranded
户、员工和资产安全的威胁。在创纪录短的时间内取得了大规 traveler, Erica (aka communications and media liaison). Together we
模战略成功; 这反应迅速是前所未有的,成功经验也可复制。 executed the planned activities including helping travelers download
the right apps on their devices, access google sheets to add their
一些公司能够利用此次危机来进一步提高在线能力、远程和简 information, monitored the message board for pertinent information,
化运营。在很短时间内,企业测试了其业务的稳定性和弹性, redistributed communications, organized media interviews, created
同时也保全了其商业寿命。 templates for Member of Parliament letters, and other administrative
tasks that may help ease the anxiety of the group. Driven by our
COVID-19 是加拿大境内行业的催化剂。传统企业正如在许多 common goal, Canadians worked together – pooling their talents to
其它企业一样,生存和发展取决于我们能够多快地应用所学到 aid one another in staying safe, informed and be ready for our journey
的教训。制定好策略计划和运作模式,有助于很大程度上实现 home.
而变,理解和应用上面分享的三个 P,因为,冥冥中考验我们 Our collective efforts paid off! Within days of arriving in Quito,
stranded without any plans or means of getting home, 27 of our initial
32 Canadians made it home on private charters. Five days later Air
Canada commenced repatriation flights from Quito airport for 3
运筹帷幄才能勇往直前; 发挥自己和周围人的潜能,才能事半
功倍。 consecutive days bringing home over a thousand Canadians.
Although there were no honorable mentions, I believe that it was due
to our organized efforts, relentless drive towards achieving an
expressed common goal and overall teamwork that got us home
Returning to Canada and to the workplace amidst COVID-19 was
surreal. Businesses reacted quickly to the crisis with much needed
government support. Investments and resources were quickly
diverted to addressing any known or perceived threat to clients,
employees and assets. The mobilization of strategy at scale was
achieved in record time; change adaption rate was unprecedented
leaving management teams grasping to replicate the successful
formula. Some companies were able to leverage the change to
achieve opportunities in furthering online capabilities, remote
fulfilment and simplifying operations. In a relatively short period of
time, many had to test the stability and resiliency of their business
models while ensuring its longevity.
COVID-19 has been the catalyst for accelerated change within the
Canadian landscape. In traditional businesses, as in many others –
survival and evolution is dictated by how quickly we are able to apply
the lessons learned. Understanding and leveraging the 3Ps; using it
as a guide to formulating strategy, plans and operating models will
enable a higher degree of achieving sustainable and rapid change.
Despite the best of intensions and well laid out plans, the powers that
be like to test our ability and capacity to address the unknown. Go
forward with courage, be confident in your own abilities and enable
Members of The Canadians in Ecuador – founding group;
repatriation flights by Execaire & Image Airlines through assistance the talents of those around you.
from Porter Airlines.
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