Page 16 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 16
人物专访 Interview 加中金融
Yicent: 在当前隔离期间,您的日常工作是怎么样的?与疫情 Yicent: What is your typical workday during the current quarantine
前有什么不同? period? Any difference from before the pandemic?
Professor Seco: Nothing exciting. The difference is I don’t leave the
house. Given what I do it is very easy for me to do everything online.
Seco 教授: 没有令人兴奋的事。不同之处在于我在家待着。我 I already did that a lot. Last year I spent half my days travelling, so I
所有的工作都能容易地转到网上来做。我过去已经这样做了。 have to get used to working remotely. For me there is no change now
去年,我花了一半的时间在旅途上,所以已经习惯了远程工 to what I am doing everyday. I just don’t go to my office, so I do my
morning routine. I am very lucky to have a swimming pool in my
作。对我来说,我每天所做的一切没有变化。我只是不用去办 house, so I go there every morning. After I’ve done my morning
routine, which includes some swimming, I just get down to my office,
where I am now, and I start to take my calls and conversations with
事情后,便来到现在办公的地方,开始电话会议。通常,我从 people. I typically start my conversations with Europe where a lot of
我们很多业务所在的欧洲开始沟通交流。欧洲比我们早 6 个小 our business is. They are six hours ahead of us, so I do that. Then I
时,所以先从那开始。接下来,我处理北美业务,其中包括多 spend the rest of my time with my North American activities, which
伦多。晚上,通常和澳大利亚开完会后,我结束一天的工作。 includes Toronto. Then I end the day typically at night with
我在澳大利亚也开展不少业务。我和中国互动也非常频繁,时 conversations with Australia where I am also very active. China
which I interact with very often, usually either earlier or later in the
day. That could change. That’s typically my day. That’s it. And I talk
天。我通过 Zoom 和电话沟通所有事情。就这样工作!我不必
to people on Zoom, on the phone, whatever the need might be. And
去办公室,节省了通勤时间。虽然办公室离家不远。我不得不 I work! I don’t have to go the office, that saves the commute time.
说没有什么令人特别兴奋的。这就是我现在做的事。我期待一 Although I don’t live very far from the office. I have to say there is
切恢复正常,或进入新常态,无论一切会怎样,我都可以去改 nothing exciting. Right now, that’s all I do. I am looking forward to
变。我曾经每天到处飞,每天醒来不知道在哪个国家,哪座城 the normal, or new normal, whatever it is going to be, so I can go and
市,每天的行程都不同。而现在我的行程每天都一样。我也可 basically change. I used to have days that were unpredictable. I didn’t
以经常见到我的家人。 know which country I was in, which city I was in, and my schedule
was different every day. Now my schedule is the same every day. I
see my family a lot now.
Yicent: 作为多伦多大学数学金融硕士(MMF)项目的主任,您 Yicent: As the director of the Master of Mathematical Finance
对毕业生在这个特殊时期找工作有什么建议? (MMF) program in the University of Toronto, what is your advice to
graduating students on job hunting in this unprecedent time?
Professor Seco: I am very active on that and tell MMF students
Seco 教授: 我经常关注这方面,并且告诉 MMF 的学生正在发生 what’s happening. I spend lots of time trying to understand the job
的事情。我花了很多时间去了解就业市场、趋势,好的方面、 market, the trends, what’s good, what’s bad and what’s the next thing
坏的方面以及接下来将发什么。我们正进入一个有意思的状况。 happening. We are getting into a very interesting situation. The job
就业市场变得有意思已经很长一段时间了。因为它将焦点从传 market has been interesting for a long time. Because it shifts the focus
from something that is very traditional to things that are very new. I
统事物转移到新兴事物。我一直希望学生知道正在发展的事物。 always want students to know what is developing. Regarding that, I
关于这一点,这 5 年来我一直告诉学生,工作已经转移到两个 think it has been 5 years that I have been telling the students that jobs
领域:一个是技术,这是金融科技的领域,另一个是法规和合 have been shifting into two areas: one is technology, which is a
规性领域。技术包括监管技术和金融科技。MMF 一直试图通过 fintech area, and the other one is the regulation and compliance area.
中间的金融来涉足这一切,方式简单来说就是监管技术和金融 Technology includes regtech (regulatory technology) and fintech.
科技。现在的疫情正在加速这个发展趋势,人们对监管技术和 MMF has been trying to get into everything out there with finance in
金融科技有了更大的信赖。我认为对金融人士来说,金融科技 the middle, the activities are, briefly, regtech and fintech. Now this
pandemic is accelerating that, there is a bigger trust in regtech and
的机会将超过传统金融业。我在这提个醒,以防万一,因为你 fintech. I think the fintech opportunities for people in the financial
可能没有意识到工作环境的变化。我举个例子:Loblaws。我们 area are going to go beyond the traditional financial industry. I give
去那购物。这是一个非常有意思的机构,他们拥有加拿大最大 the advice to watch out, to be alert, because there are changes to the
的药店,比以往任何时候都忙,对吧?同时,他们拥有一家银 job landscape you might not be aware of. I also give an example:
行,PC Financial。因此,他们是一个非常有活力的机构。他们 Loblaws. We all go there for shopping. It is a very interesting
正在布兰普顿成立一家数据中心,现在正在招聘。如果你正在 organization because they own the largest pharmacy in Canada, and
找传统工作,可能没有。机会在其他地方。我每天花很多时间 they are busier than ever, right? At the same time, they own a bank,
挖掘机会在哪。我对学生的建议是保持初心,无论去年怎么样, PC Financial. So, they are a very active organization. They are setting
up a data centre in Brampton and they are hiring for that. If you are
现在不必如此,与人们交谈并且找出机会在哪,因为我们正在 looking for the traditional jobs, they may not exist. The opportunities
经历一个非常有意思的技术革命的新篇章。我无法说一个特定 are elsewhere, and I spend a good chunk of my day, everyday, trying
的机会对于特定的人,我能说的是现在有很好的就业机会。 to sniff out where the opportunities are. My advice to students is that
they be original, whatever was “last year” doesn’t have to be “now”,
talk to people and find out where the opportunities are, because we
are going through a very interesting new chapter of this technology
revolution right now. I can’t give a specific opportunity that exists
for someone in particular, what I can say is there are wonderful
opportunities for employment right now.
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