Page 12 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 12

财富管理 Wealth Management                           加中金融


                        Wealth Management in Times of Prolonged Uncertainty and Volatility

                                         An interview with Jim Sheridan, CIM, Director Portfolio Manager & Wealth Advisor


                                     Jim holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from McGill University. Before joining RBC, Jim
                                     was President and founder of another full-service wealth management firm. Prior to funding his own
                                     firm, Jim was a risk analyst for the Union Bank of Switzerland in Toronto. Today Jim leads a team of
                                     wealth management professionals to help individuals and their families reach their personal and
                                     financial goals.

    CCFA: Jim, you have been in the industry for over 30 years. You   加中金融:吉姆,你在这个行业已经 30 多年了。你在欧洲、
    worked in Europe, New York and Canada and you have seen many   纽约和加拿大工作过,你见过许多牛市和熊市。与其他市场动
    bull and bear markets. How does the 2020 correction compare to
    other periods of uncertainty and how has this shifted the investment   荡时期相比,2020 年的投资格局有什么特征?
    landscape?                                                    吉姆:谢谢。与其他熊市相比,2020 年我见过的最快的下跌和
    Jim: Thank you. Compared to other bear markets, this would have   复苏之一。在 1987 年,美国股市曾在一天下跌超过 20%。那个
    to be classified as the one of the quickest declines and recoveries I   时候我们没有任何市场管控机制,我记得当时即使流动性好的
    have  ever  seen.  Having  said  that,  the  1987  correction  was  also   股票也很难得到交易确认。市场关闭一天左右,因为我们需要
    extremely volatile with the U.S. market dropping over 20% in one   梳理所有的订单。这是非常令人不安的情形,市场有很多恐
    day. This was before we had any braking mechanism for the markets,   惧,这种恐惧持续了多年,尽管市场在 1987 年 10 月崩盘后不
    and I remember we had a hard time getting trade confirmations even
    on the most liquid names. The markets closed for a day or so as we   久强劲反弹。 在经历市场大调整尤其是创伤性事件之后,心
    sorted out all the orders. It was very unsettling and there was a lot of   有余悸是人类的天性。但在底部抛售并屈服于恐惧的投资者将
    fear  in  the  market  and  that  fear  lasted  for  years  even  though  the   很难长期赚钱。
    markets rallied strong soon after the collapse.
                                                                  对于投资者而言,1999-2000 年也是一个非常有趣的时期,网
    It is human nature to remain fearful after a traumatic event like a   络公司的股票直线上升,至少加拿大北电主导了市场的增长,
    market correction. However, investors that sell at the bottom and give   但几年后才崩溃。我不想直接比较 2000 年与 2020 年,但仅从
    in to their fears will have a very difficult time making money long   一些高价股票投资组合来看却颇有相似之处。
    The period of 1999 – 2000 was also a very interesting time to be an
    investor  with  the  dot  com  stocks  going  straight  up  and  Nortel  in   强大的市场地位和非常忠诚的客户群。这些公司的股价可能高
    Canada, at least dominating market growth, only to collapse a few   的有些离谱,但他们肯定是非常优秀的企业。
    years later. I don’t want to directly compare 2000 to 2020 but there
    are similarities of excess building in some of the high-flying stocks.   随着 COVID-19 病毒今年在世界各地迅速传播,各种投资急剧
    The  big  difference  today,  is  that  these  big  tech  names  are  cash   助了一些企业暂时度过了难关,但并不是所有的企业。
    machines, and they have a very strong franchise and extremely loyal
    client base. They may be historically expensive, but they are great   我们所看到的是市场的两个故事:专注于"留在家里市场"的公
    companies for sure.                                           司正在蓬勃发展,而传统企业,尤其是服务、旅游和酒店业,
    With  the  COVID-19  virus  spreading  aggressively  throughout  the
    world this year, investments of all kinds contracted dramatically, at   利率已经暴跌,如果你是借款人,这是幸运的,但对储户来
    least initially.
    In response, Government intervention helped markets find a bottom   性。
    for some businesses but not all.

    What  we  have  seen  is  a  tale  of  two  markets.  Companies that  are
    focused  on  the  “stay  at  home  market”  are  thriving  and  more
    traditional businesses - especially in the service, travel and hospitality
    industries - are really struggling.

    Interest rates have plunged which is great if you are a borrower but it
    is more challenging for      investors seeking income solutions.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   DECEMBER 2020
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