Page 15 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 15

人物专访 Interview                                   加中金融

                                                                                   CCFA Special Interview


                                                           Balanced Mix of Academic and Business Life

    【摘要】疫情期间,CCFA 很荣幸邀请到 Luis Seco 教授作为采访嘉宾,通过 Zoom 进行在线访谈。该访谈由 CCFA 执行董事 Yicent Chen
    主持,三位志愿者 Shirley Shi、Ruodi Cheng 和 Sunny Huang 协助执行。

    Luis Seco 教授是多伦多大学数学金融项目主任和数学系教授,兼西格玛分析和管理公司(Sigma Analysis and Management)的总裁和首
    席执行官。该公司是一家专注于绝对收益产品和研究的投资组合管理公司。Seco 教授还是德国天使之星有限公司(Angelstar Gmbh)
    的董事总经理,该公司是西格玛和德国当地家族企业成立的合资公司。他还担任了数字管理和技术创新中心(Centre  of  Digital
    Management and Technology Innovation)的首席执行官。该机构旨在利用全球大学网络来广泛促进技术带来颠覆性改变的领域包括教

    Seco 教授拥有普林斯顿大学博士学位,他曾是加州理工学院的贝特曼讲师。2011 年,他被西班牙国王授予“公民功绩骑士”(Caballero
    de la Orden del Merito Civil)的荣誉,以表彰他在应用数学预测经济周期方面所做的贡献。凭借 20 多年的学术和商业两个领域的经验,
    Seco 教授将分享他的学术愿景、商业初心,以及他如何创业并做到与学术生涯完美地融合。


    During this pandemic environment, it is CCFA’s honour to invite Professor Luis Seco for a Zoom online interview conducted through Yicent
    Chen, Executive Director of CCFA, with a group of volunteers of Shirley Shi, Ruodi Cheng, and Sunny Huang.

    Professor Luis Seco is the Director of the Mathematical Finance Program and Professor of Mathematics at the University of Toronto. He is also
    President and CEO of Sigma Analysis and Management, a portfolio management firm that specializes in absolute return products and research.
    Professor Seco is also Managing Director of Angelstar Gmbh, a German joint venture of Sigma with a local family office; he also holds the
    position of Chief Executive Officer of the Centre of Digital Management and Technology Innovation, an institution designed to leverage the
    University network worldwide to promote training and research broadly in areas where technology is bringing disruption, including education.
    He has authored numerous papers on financial risk management, investments, and market models, and has won a number of research awards.

    Professor Seco holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University, is the Director of RiskLab, an international research partnership of Universities and
    companies in the financial risk management sector. He has been a Bateman Instructor at the California Institute of Technology. In 2011 he was
    awarded the Caballero de la Orden del Merito Civil in the name of the King of Spain in honour of his work on the application of mathematics to
    foresee economic cycles.

    With over 20 years of experience in both academia and business, Professor Seco will share his academic vision and business initiatives, and
    how he built his entrepreneurship and balanced it exceptionally well with his academic life.
                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   DECEMBER 2020
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