Page 8 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
P. 8
决策管理 Strategy Management 加中金融
三个 P 决胜疫情 事半功倍
The COVID-19 Business Accelerator: The Three Ps
【作者】Victoria Nguyen 是一位有成就的业内高管和企业转型专家。她目前是加拿大帝国商
业银行的副总裁,负责战略和转型项目及个人和小企业银行业务。Victoria 的职业生涯跨
越了 25 年,成功主导多次金融合并、企业重组以及全球业务和技术变革。她即投入又确
员会成员,还担任多伦多 PMI 董事会成员,并活跃在各种论坛上。Victoria 拥有阿尔伯塔
Victoria Nguyen is an accomplished business executive and transformation professional. She is
currently Vice President, Project Delivery, Capital Markets at Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce. Victoria’s career spans over 25 years leading large scale change in many of North
America’s best-known brands. Her strong delivery track record enabled successes in financial
merger-integration, corporate restructuring, and global business and technology transformations.
She is recognized for her honest, pragmatic leadership style that is engaging while ensures the
delivery of the right business outcomes. She currently serves on the Advisory Board of Directors
for the Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation. Victoria has also served on the Board of Directors for
PMI Toronto and is an active public speaker at various forums. Victoria holds a B.Eng. from the
University of Alberta and a Masters' Certificate in Project Management from McMaster
University & George Washington University.
公司无论大小,在 COVID-19 生存,取决于商业行动力和资源 The survival of small to large companies through the COVID-19
调控。从最初的风浪中惊醒,重要的是接受教训,并将这些领 pandemic depended on the agility of operations and resiliency of its
悟融入未来的工作方式中。商业世界就像人类一样——我们学 resources. As we emerge from the initial wave, it is important to
embrace the lessons and incorporate the learnings into our future
ways of working. The world of commerce like humanity – perseveres
失同情心。 无论个人或职场,都需要适应 COVID-19 时代。生
in adversity, is opportunistic in calamity and can be compassionate
活中居家工作照顾家人网上购买生活必需品都改变了方式。产 in times of great distress. Regardless of our personal or professional
品和服务供应商就需及时对客户商业环境变化作出反应。企业 status, we have each had to adjust to life in the COVID-19 era. In our
将不断面临着重建可持续经营的模式并保持财务健康和增加市 personal lives we’ve had to make provisions for juggling childcare,
场份额的挑战。想在此次疫情下顺利驾驭,关键要看三个 P: elderly care, home-based learning, working from home, procurement
of essential goods and services through alternative means, etc.
1. Priority 优先考虑最重要的事情 Product and service providers have had to quickly react to the
changing needs of its clientele to remain relevant while complying to
2. Pivot 关键转折点的规划
changing regulations. Companies continue to be challenged to re-
establish a sustainable operating model, maintain financial health
3. People 以人为本。
and/or grow market share. Successfully navigating the pandemic
我们现在来探讨一下这三个 P 在个人情况和公司环境中的实战 may be attributed to the following guiding principles.
1. Give PRIORITY to what matters most
2. Plan for PIVOTS often
过去 20 多年,在北美金融服务企业实施大规模转型的经历让我
3. Focus on the PEOPLE
In this article we will explore the application of the 3Ps in both a
心的愿景与各层级领导力结合的一门艺术。明确目标并高效执 personal situation and in corporate boardroom context.
挑战。COVID-19 汇集了优先性的考量,业务增速和可持续变 Application of the 3Ps:
In over two decades of delivering large scale corporate
transformations in the North American financial services industry, I
am confident that all change is possible. The art of achieving the right
outcomes is a combination of crafting an inspiring vision that is
entrenched at all levels of leadership, clarity of purpose that is
directly correlated to a strategic plan and executed by highly effective
agile teams. Understanding these concepts may be easy; achieving
the required mind shift to embrace agility and enabling the practice
are often quite challenging. COVID-19 presented the perfect storm
that united priorities, accelerated business agility and enabled
sustainable change. will explore the application of the 3Ps in both a
personal situation and in corporate boardroom context.
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