Page 4 - CCFA Journal - Fifth Issue
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                         Celebration of 1st Anniversary of CCFA Journal of Finance

           During the past 12 months CCFA has successfully launched its first professional publication - CCFA Journal of Finance. The
           bilingual publication covers a wide range of topics including wealth management, investment, risk management, fintech, and
           updates on financial regulatory issues. The Journal reaches thousands of both English and Chinese readers every quarter and it is
           reflective of CCFA’s professional development events, social activities, and the overall strength of our community.

           As we celebrate our first anniversary of the CCFA Journal, I would like to take the time to express our gratitude for an impressive
           editorial year with 4 quarterly issues successfully published and the 5th one on its way.

           I appreciate the support of the many distinguished authors who have graciously written for the Journal. Many talented volunteers
           provided their support in editing, translating and design, and their dedicated support is a major contribution to the Journal’s
           success. We are equally thankful for the constructive feedback provided by our advisors and readers whose encouragement will
           drive our on-going effort to improve the quality of the Journal. Going forward, we will continue to focus on current affairs within
           the industry, expand the pool of authors, and enhance the readers’ experience.
           This year also marks the 20th year anniversary of CCFA. We look forward to continue forging relationships, creating lasting
           memories, and further promoting bi-lateral exchange and the career growth of our members.

                                                                                                                 Daju Gu


           在过去的 12 个月里,加中金融协会成功地推出了第一份《加中金融期刊》。这份双语期刊涵盖了财富管理、投资、


           今年也是加中金融协会成立 20 周年。我们期待着与大家共同努力为促进加中金融交流及会员的职业发展上做出新


                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   October 2021
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