Page 7 - CCFA Journal - Fifth Issue
P. 7

就业前景 Job Market                                  加中金融

    幻方量化也在抓住畢業生規劃重點轉變帶來的機遇。這家全國                                   Zhejiang High-Flyer  Asset Management  is  also capitalizing on the
    最大的量化基金資管規模超過 100 億美元。執行長陸政哲稱,                                changing priorities of graduates. The country’s largest quant fund
    幻化去年一年招了大概 10 位研究員,其中很多人在疫情期間放                                managing more than $10 billion hired about 10 researchers over the
    棄了留學。上海明汯投資管理公司資管規模達 85 億美元,創始                                past  year,  many  of  whom  gave  up  overseas  studies  amid  the
    人裘慧明稱,近年來聘請了 10 多位人工智能和自然語言處理專                                pandemic, according to Chief Executive Officer Simon Lu. Shanghai
    家。                                                            Minghong  Investment  Co.,  which  manages  $8.5  billion  in  China,
                                                                  hired  more  than  10  experts  in  artificial  intelligence  and  natural
    管理著約 77 億美元資產的靈均投資表示,公司的投資和研究團                                language  processing  in  recent  years,  according  to  founder  Qiu
    隊計畫到年底將最高擴充三分之一,達到 140 人。                                     Huiming.

    隨著金融公司的業務蓬勃發展,不止是對沖基金,全球業內也                                   And Lingjun Investment, which manages about $7.7 billion, plans to
    在掀起漲薪潮。幾個月的時間裡,頂級投銀的起薪已迅速飆升                                   expand its investment and research team by as much as a third to
    至六位數,甚至不包括獎金。                                                 140 people by the end of the year, the firm said. It plans to boost
                                                                  spending in the area, including salaries, to about 1 billion yuan in the
    雖然對沖基金在幫助中國留住人工智能等重點領域的學生,但                                   15 months through March next year, up from an annual average of
    高薪酬與習近平提倡的「共同繁榮」有些不搭。                                         between 200 million yuan and 300 million yuan in the past three

                                                                  China’s private quant funds have been facing a persistent shortage
    層層選拔                                                          of new talent since 2018 amid the industry’s expansion, pushing up
                                                                  salaries,  according  to  Eric  Zhu,  Shanghai-based  head  of  financial
    九坤投資就在清華大學附近,公司對應聘者從編碼到統計等各                                   services at recruiter Morgan McKinley.
    個方面進行測試,還要看學術研究論文。去年招聘了大約 10 名
    應屆畢業生,有些在全國奧數競賽中獲獎的人還被拒之門外。                                   The higher wages are in line with a broader global trend that goes
                                                                  beyond hedge funds, as business at financial firms is booming. In the
    王琛表示,經驗更強的人才年薪能有 100 萬美元。公司還對高                                span of a few months, entry-level salaries at top investment banks
    層員工提供額外獎勵,例如一次性獎金 1,000 萬元人民幣或者                               have  quickly  shot  up  into  six  figures,  even  before  bonuses,  as
    在突破性交易策略上利潤分成,從全球公司挖走人才更為輕鬆。                                  executives responded to a rebellion against the demands of Wall
                                                                  Street life sparked by a damning presentation from a group of first-
    「如果我們認為人才可用,會不遺余力地招過來,」王琛表示。                                  year analysts at Goldman Sachs.

                                                                  High-Flyer’s  investment  and  research  team  now  numbers  almost
                                                                  160, Lu said. It already includes Olympiad gold medalists, experts
                                                                  from internet giants and senior researchers from global rivals. He
    在九坤投資的總部,Zhou 和他去年一起加入的同事 Nathan Lin                          expects the mix of young scientists and top talent from Wall Street
    在實習的頭四個月,主要研究自然語言處理以及公司的現有研                                   to inspire each other.
                                                                  Vigorous Selection
    22 歲的 Lin 說,與其去跟客戶搞關係見面,代碼和工作就能說                              Stationed  near  China’s  prestigious  Tsinghua  University,  Ubiquant
    明一切,這就是他喜歡的地方。他還表示,再加上九坤投資給                                   tests people on everything from coding to statistics and examines
    的工資更高,所以沒去字節跳動或者銀行。                                           their academic research papers, hiring about 10 fresh graduates last
    工作節奏也很有吸引力。每天 10 點開始上班,工作一個半小時
    就到了午休時間,還能趴在辦公桌上小睡一會兒。下午 1 點又                                 Wang  says  he  has  offered  more  experienced  hires  salaries  of  $1
    開始上班,寫寫代碼和來一場頭腦風暴,一直工作到晚上 7 點                                 million a year. The company also gives extra incentives to top staff
    或 9 點再去健身房。他們還經常在辦公室跟同事們打打乒乓球。                                like  one-time  bonuses  of  10  million  yuan  or  profit  sharing  from
                                                                  breakout trading strategies, as he gets more comfortable poaching
    Zhou 表示,自許是怪胎的人在這裡很自在,只要還能學習,他                                talent from global corporations.
                                                                  “If  we  think  someone  is  worth  hiring,  we  will  try  to  hire  them,
                                                                  sparing no efforts,” said Wang.
                                                                  Work Pace

                                                                  Back at Ubiquant’s headquarters, Zhou and his colleague Nathan Lin,
                                                                  who  both  joined  last  year,  focused  on  studying  natural  language
                                                                  processing and the firm’s existing research for the first four months
                                                                  of their internships.

                                                                  “I like the fact that your code and work speaks for itself,” instead of
                                                                  having to socialize and meet clients, said 22-year-old Lin, adding that
                                                                  this combined with the better salary offer from Ubiquant was the
                                                                  reason  he  joined  the  company  instead  of  ByteDance  or  a  job  in

                                                                  The work pace also appeals. Starting at 10 a.m. every day, they work
                                                                  for an hour and a half before heading for a lunch break and getting
                                                                  a quick nap at their desks. They resume at 1 p.m., writing codes and
                                                                  brainstorming strategies till about 7 p.m. or 9 p.m. before hitting the
                                                                  gym. Often they’ll play ping pong in the office with other colleagues.

                                                                  “Working here matches the spirit of being a self-branded geek,” said
                                                                  Zhou. “As long I’m still learning, I’ll be staying on.”

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   October 2021
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