Page 11 - CCFA Journal - Fifth Issue
P. 11

市场观察 Market Analysis                             加中金融

    美债利率上行会否成为“灰犀牛”A 股走出独立行情的可                                    US rate rally vs China A-share independence
    能性更大                                                          China’s July PPI rose +9% YoY and +0.2% MoM on continued supply-
                                                                  demand imbalance. We’ll likely see sequential numbers coming off,
    由于短期内供需缺口尚未缩小,推动 7 月份 PPI 再度上行                                though  it’s  worth  monitoring  the  CPI  and  core  CPI  with  both
    至 9.0%,后续环比下行仍是大概率事件。CPI 环比和核心                                exceeding expectations on sequential basis. The current inflationary
    CPI 环比上涨超出预期,需求端对 CPI 拖累的反转迹象值                                pressure is mostly from the demand side, which makes it hard for
    得警惕。目前通胀压力主要来自供给侧,货币政策很难                                      monetary policy to control. From policy perspective, while we may
    有效解决,从政策态度来看,目前不认为有长期全面通                                      not see sustained inflationary pressure, it may last longer than we
    胀的风险,但通胀持续的时间如果比想象要更长,也会                                      initially expected.
    对货币政策形成掣肘。                                                    In  the  PBOC  Q2  Monetary  Policy  Implementation  report,  it
                                                                  highlighted there was no inflation after the 2008 financial crisis but
    2 季度货币政策执行报告《专栏 1:正确认识货币与通胀                                   there  is  inflation  after  the  2020  pandemic.  The  key  difference  is
    的关系》中,央行对通胀的判断是:2008 年国际金融危                                   whether  there  was  increase  in  broader  money  supply.  After  the
    机后没有出现通胀,但 2020 年疫情后出现通胀。两个时                                  pandemic, most advanced economies  engaged  in  extremely loose
    期内不同通胀格局形成的原因在于央行扩表、投放基础                                      monetary  policy  and  massive  fiscal  stimulus,  which  increased
    货币有没有引发广义货币的大幅增长。疫情之后主要发                                      inflationary  pressure.  With  market  expecting  accelerated
                                                                  government  debt  issuance  in  the  second  half  of  2021,  PBOC
                                                                  emphasized the concept of “two wallets of central bank and fiscal
    央行主导基础货币大幅增长和财政主导的广义货币供给                                      policy”, and the shortcomings of monetizing fiscal debt.
    上升会否持续尚待观察”。所以央行特别提到“坚持央                                      PBOC’s  report  further  highlighted  “effective  implementation  of
                                                                  monetary policy expectation management is based on the central
    行和财政两个‘钱袋子’定位”,结合前文央行对疫情                                      bank’s  ‘does  what  it  says.’”  China’s  interest  rate  is  at  reasonable
    后海外国家财政赤字货币化导致的通胀上涨的分析,在                                      levels and relatively low among the emerging or developing markets.
    市场普遍预期下半年大概率政府债券发行提速的背景下,                                     Rosefinch’s  fixed  income  team  expects  bond  market  liquidity  to
    央行再次强调货币和财政“两个钱袋分家”。向社会传                                      remain friendly as monetary policy is unlikely to tighten. As for the
    达了要充分认识“财政货币化”的弊端。                                            equity market, the current emphasis on steady fiscal policy + steady
                                                                  credit  creation,  relative  loose  monetary  conditions  bodes  well  in
    专栏 2 进一步明确,“货币政策预期管理的有效实施,根                                   support of market confidence.
    本在于央行的‘言行一致’”。专栏 4 中提到我国利率总                                   US July CPI rose 0.5% mom as expected, though PPI continued to rise
    体处于合理水平,目前在发展中国家和新兴经济体中相                                      to record high of +7.8% YoY. As Delta-variant rages across the globe,
    对较低。专栏 5 指出,人民币汇率有升有贬,双向波动,                                   there’s continued price pressure on global supply chain and industry
    汇率弹性不断增强,为自主实施正常货币政策创造了条                                      chain,  such  as  lack  of  car  semi-conductor  chips,  increase  in  raw
    件。23 日易纲主持召开金融机构货币信贷形势分析座谈                                    material, decline in labor supply. Fed formally discussed Taper for the
    会,强调要继续做好跨周期设计,衔接好今年下半年和                                      first time in July.
    明年上半年信贷工作,加大信贷对实体经济特别是中小                                      So will Fed’s hike become the next “Grey Rhino”? Oaktree Capital
    微企业的支持力度,增强信贷总量增长的稳定性,保持                                      founder Howard Marks said: after 2008 Global Financial Crisis, every
    货币供应量和社会融资规模增速同名义经济增速基本匹                                      time Fed hiked it caused public anger. In 2019, rates started going
    配。朱雀固收组判断,在此政策语境下,货币政策难以                                      lower and I think Fed missed their chance. But this time, with such
                                                                  strong economic recovery, I don’t want to miss the opportunity to
    收紧,对债市流动性创造了友好的环境。对股市来说,                                      hike rates. Fed needs to consider how to be most beneficial for the
    政策从之前的紧财政+紧信用转为稳财政+稳信用,经济                                     economy, not how to let investors make money. If US hike rates, will
    没有失速风险,政策稳增长、货币相对宽松,总体环境                                      that lead to China rate hike? Will it lead to domestic stock market
    对市场信心有一定支持。                                                   correction? CICC recently did a research where they looked at macro,
                                                                  capital, and sentiment transmission mechanisms to show that even
    美 7 月 CPI 符合预期,PPI 继续超预期,达历史绝对高位,                             if  US  rates  start  to  rally,  China  domestic  rates  can  still  maintain
    核心 PPI 同样强劲。在德尔塔病毒蔓延的背景下,全球产                                  downward  trend.  Domestic  stock  market  may  fluctuate,  but  net
                                                                  result will be limited. It’s probably that A-share will follow its own
                                                                  independent path.
    产成本,进一步加大了通胀压力。7 月美联储在会议中首
    次正式讨论 Taper,大多数成员认为在 2021 年 Taper“可

    霍华德撰文批评,在 2008 年全球金融危机之后,美联储
    而在 2019 年初,利率又开始转而下行。但这一次,在经
    对有限,A 股市场走出独立行情的可能性更大。
                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   October 2021
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