Page 12 - CCFA Journal - Fifth Issue
P. 12

加中金融                                        市场观察 Market Analysis

    贫穷不是社会主义 在高质量发展中促进共同富裕                                        “经济学家就是一个没有市场业绩的基金经理”。没人
    17 日总书记主持召开中央财经委员会第十次会议,研究
                                                                  计,今年 A 股市场无论是从行业、个股、基金净值的角
    做好金融稳定发展工作问题。总书记在会上发表重要讲                                      度看,目前分化程度都已经处于历史的前列。尽管 A 股
    高质量发展中促进共同富裕。                                                 在国际局势、社会思潮、经济转型、技术变革等背景

    会议指出,改革开放后,我们党深刻总结正反两方面历                                      高。市场通常是好的观察员,变化依然是最大的不变。
    史经验,认识到贫穷不是社会主义,打破传统体制束缚,                                     这意味着对投资者的要求不断提高,有能力更前瞻预见
    允许一部分人、一部分地区先富起来,推动解放和发展                                      终局才有能力给现在定价,买对公司比买便宜价格更重
    社会生产力。党的十八大以来,党中央把逐步实现全体                                      要。首先有能力对行业做出正确的定性判断,否则宁愿
    人民共同富裕摆在更加重要的位置上,采取有力措施保                                      错过,其次是对公司尤其企业家的认知理解。我们聚焦
    障和改善民生,打赢脱贫攻坚战,全面建成小康社会,                                      整个 3060 产业链,希望在每个重点环节找到卡位的点,
    为促进共同富裕创造了良好条件。会议强调,共同富裕                                      希望找到自己生命和职业生涯中不容错过的公司。
    要分阶段促进共同富裕。要鼓励勤劳创新致富,坚持在                                      Being Poor isn’t Socialism: supporting “common
                                                                  prosperity” amid high quality developments
    发展能力创造更加普惠公平的条件,畅通向上流动通道,                                     On Aug 17th, Secretary General Xi held policy meeting on key topics
    给更多人创造致富机会,形成人人参与的发展环境。要                                      like supporting “common prosperity”, preventing major financial risk,
                                                                  and stabilizing financial developments. He see “common prosperity”
                                                                  as  a  key  component  of  socialist  value  and  Chinese  development
    个毫不动摇”,坚持公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共                                      characteristics. Common prosperity means prosperity for all people -
    同发展,允许一部分人先富起来,先富带后富、帮后富,                                     it’s  not  prosperity  for  a  few,  nor  is  it  averaging  for  all,  but
    重点鼓励辛勤劳动、合法经营、敢于创业的致富带头人。                                     implemented in multiple phases. Focus will be on basic supportive
    要尽力而为量力而行,建立科学的公共政策体系,形成                                      social networks for the people, though the whole process may be
    人人享有的合理分配格局,同时统筹需要和可能,把保                                      long, complex, and challenging.
    障和改善民生建立在经济发展和财力可持续的基础之上,                                     Evaluation now requires foresight on the end
                                                                  In  the  recent  ESG  Global  Leader  Summit,  both  Shanghai  and
    持循序渐进,对共同富裕的长期性、艰巨性、复杂性有                                      Shenzhen exchange officials highlighted leveraging capital markets to
    充分估计。                                                         achieve the Carbon-Peak and Carbon-Neutral goals. Meanwhile, in A-
                                                                  share  market  we  are  seeing  massive  historical  dispersion  from
    行业、个股、净值分化剧烈                                                  industrial, or single-stock, or Mutual fund net valuation perspectives.

    预见终局才能给现在定价                                                   With  global  situations,  social  thoughts,  evolving  economies,  and
                                                                  technological innovations as backdrop, the “inter-sector” and “intra-
    坚定不移走中国特色资本市场发展之路,建设经济转型                                      sector”  dynamics  are  replacing  the  traditional  “bull-bear”  market
    升级的重要载体,从而公平有效的配置资源。“建制度、                                     lens. The market is usually the best observer, and change is still the
    不干预、零容忍”推动着资本市场高质量发展。首届                                       biggest constant. This means higher challenges for the investor: it’s
                                                                  more important now to have foresight on the endgame in order to
    “ESG 全球领导者峰会”主题为“聚焦 ESG 发展,共议低                                evaluate the current companies. In short, buying the right company
    碳可持续新未来”。深沪交易所领导分别表示,“未来                                      is more important than buying at cheap price. This requires the ability
    聚焦四个方面助力产业绿色转型升级,努力打造绿色金                                      to make the correct assessment on the industry, otherwise it’s better
    融的创新引擎”,和发挥资本市场力量助力“碳达峰碳                                      to  not  act.  It  will  also  require  a  deep  understanding  on  both  the
    中和”。                                                          company and the management team.

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   October 2021
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