Page 16 - CCFA Journal - Fifth Issue
P. 16

加中金融                                                      并购 M&A

    While  valuations  are  higher  than  ever,  top-dollar  deals   尽管目前的估值高于以往任何时候,但考虑到近期股市
    shouldn't come as a surprise given the recent inflation in the   的通胀,高收益交易不应令人意外。2021 年第二季度,
    stock market. All of the major U.S. equity indices rose by high-  美国所有主要股指均以高个位数的百分比上涨,其中多
    single-digit percentages in Q2 2021, with most closing out the   数股指以历史最高收盘。一些大型上市公司甚至利用新
    quarter at all-time highs. Some large public companies have   获得的天价估值进行重大收购,以永无止境地寻求增长,
    even leveraged their newfound sky-high valuations to make     同时希望从这些举措中实现额外的股东价值。并购活动
    major acquisitions in the never-ending quest for growth while   和估值水平的上升不太可能在短期内消退。
    also hoping to unlock additional shareholder value from these
    moves. The flurry of M&A activity and the elevated valuation   仅科技企业并购市场的这种强劲势头就将 2021 年迄今的
    levels are not likely to recede any time soon.                总支出推高至 8800 亿美元,几乎是最近全年记录总额的

    This strength in the tech M&A market alone pushes overall     两倍。以目前的水平来看,2021 年的科技收购总价值将
    spending so far in 2021 to $880B, which is nearly twice the   超过此前难以想象的 1 万亿美元的支出门槛,而第四季度
    recent full year recorded totals. At its current level, the total   的大部分时间仍将持续。
    value  of  tech  acquisitions  in  2021  will  cross  the  previously   展望未来:大同小异
    unimaginable  spending  threshold  of  $1T  with  most  of  the
    fourth quarter still remaining.                               综上所述,考虑到最近的交易活动和趋势,并购市场在
                                                                  2021 年剩余时间及之后仍将是卖方市场。对于买家来说,
    Looking ahead: More of the same
    To conclude, given the recent deal activities and trends, M&A   的最具吸引力的方式之一。尽管利率已小幅上升,但资
    looks certain to remain a seller’s market for the rest of 2021   本依然廉价且充裕。随着全球经济复苏势头持续增强—
    and  beyond.  For  buyers,  M&A  remains  one  of  the  most   —尽管各种新冠病毒的变化存在不确定性,但反关闭情
    attractive ways for companies to achieve growth, gain scale,   绪日益高涨——并购也将在各个行业和地区变得更加广
    and digitize their business. While interest rates have edged up,   泛,特别是在医疗保健和信息技术行业。随着买家继续
    capital  remains  inexpensive  and  abundant.    As  the  global
    economic rebound continues to gain momentum – buoyed by       争夺最佳和最具吸引力的地方来配置他们的资金,交易
    an increasingly anti-shutdown sentiment despite uncertainty   量和价值预计都将继续创下纪录。
    about various COVID variants – M&A is also poised to become
    more  broad-based  across  both  industries  and  geographies,
    especially  in  the  Healthcare  and  Information  Technology
    sectors. Both transaction volume and value are expected to
    keep setting records as buyers continue to vie for the best and
    most attractive places to deploy their capital.

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   October 2021
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