Page 18 - CCFA Journal - Fifth Issue
P. 18
加中金融 监管 Regulation
Credit Union and Its Regulation
作者:Daniel Cui, FSRA
安大略省金融服务监管局 (FSRA) 是一个独立的监管机构, The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA)
创立的初衷是为了保护和改善安大略省的消费者和养老 is an independent regulatory agency created to improve
金受益人的合法权益。 consumer and pension plan beneficiary protections in Ontario.
FSRA 的成立是为了取代安大略省金融服务委员会 (FSCO) FSRA was established to replace the Financial Services
和安大略省存款保险公司 (DICO),与 FSCO 和 DICO 不同 Commission of Ontario (FSCO) and the Deposit Insurance
的是,FSRA 具有非常大的灵活性、而且是自筹资金,可 Corporation of Ontario (DICO). The agency is flexible, self-
快速响应不断变化的商业和消费者环境。 funded and designed to respond rapidly to an evolving
commercial and consumer environment.
The newly created agency protects Ontarians by regulating:
• 财产和意外伤害保险 Property and casualty insurance
• 人寿和健康保险 Life and health insurance
• 信用合作社 Credit unions and caisses populaires
• 贷款和信托公司 Loan and trust companies
• 按揭经纪人 Mortgage brokers
• 医疗服务提供者(与汽车保险相关) Health services providers (related to auto insurance)
• 养老金计划管理员 Pension plan administrators
• 理财规划师和顾问(提议的) Financial planners and advisors (proposed)
什么是信用社 What is a credit Union
信用合作社是一种提供传统银行服务的金融合作社。有 A credit union is a type of financial cooperative that provides
小型的、仅限志愿者参与的,到在全国都拥有数千名参 traditional banking services. Ranging in size from small,
与者的大型实体,规模不等;信用合作社是由这些参与 volunteer-only operations to large entities with thousands of
者创建、拥有和运营的。 participants spanning the country. Credit unions are created,
owned, and operated by their participants.
Key difference between credit unions and banks
银行是营利性的,这意味着它们要么是私有的,要么是 What makes banks and credit unions different from each other
公开交易的,而信用合作社是个非营利机构。这种营利 is their profit status. Banks are for-profit, meaning they are
性与非营利性的关键差异是机构所提供的产品和服务之 either privately owned or publicly traded, while credit unions
间存在差异的原因。 are non-profit institutions. This for-profit vs. not-for-profit
division is the reason for the difference between the products
信用合作社由其成员拥有的, 因为信用合作社实际上是以 and services each type of institution offers.
合作为基础而成立的。通常是向一些具有共同纽带的人 A credit union is owned by its members since the institution is
首先开放会员资格,例如他们同行业的同事、他们所居 actually set up as a cooperative. Credit unions typically open
住的社区之间、或者是拥有共同信仰的人。不过其实有 membership to individuals who share a common bond, such as
一些大型信用合作社是开放式的,对所有人提供业务的。 the industry they are employed in, the community they live in,
their faith, or their membership in another organization.
However, some large credit unions are open bond which
provides business to all people as well.
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