Page 22 - CCFA Journal - Fifth Issue
P. 22

加中金融                                         工作和生活 Work & Life


                                                                                  My West Coast Workcation

    Michael Lu


    2021 年仲夏,在安大略省宣布进入疫后经济重启第三阶段的前一周也是 7 月的最后一周,我买了一张机票从多伦多飞往
    温哥华。没有户外社交活动,长期独自在家全职工作的心理局促,加上在过去 12 个多月里完成 MBA 课程带来的额外承
    压,让我在 5 月份几乎身心疲惫近乎奔溃。两个月后也没能缓过来,我决定说走就走换个场景。

    为什么选择温哥华?  首先,我想去一个容易进行户外活动的地方,我渴望去走一走那里许多著名的徒步路线。其次,我想
    和温哥华的家人朋友和同事叙叙旧。最后,我的工作灵活允许我在加拿大的远程工作。我在温哥华一直待到 8 月的第一个
    周末,工作日的太平洋标准时间(PST)早上 5 点开始,晚上 10 点或 11 点结束一天的工作。尽管工作加 MBA 作业还有满满


    During the midst of summer 2021, a week before Ontario transitioned to its 3rd stage of economic re-opening, I bought a plane ticket
    from Toronto to Vancouver. The mental friction of working from home alone, the lack of social interactions from the drawn-out
    lockdown, and the added pressure of completing an MBA program while working full-time over the last 12+ months led to a complete
    burnout in May. The recovery was slow and after 2 months without much progress, I decided a change of scenery was in order.

    So, why Vancouver? First, I wanted to visit a place with easy access to outdoors activities, and I yearned to experience at least one of
    its many famous hiking trails. Second, there are family friends, personal friends, and colleagues in Vancouver whom I wanted to catch
    up with. Finally, my job allows me the flexibility of working from anywhere in Canada, so long as I am following the same hours as my
    Toronto colleagues. I stayed in Vancouver until the end of the first week of August, starting my weekdays at 5am Pacific Standard
    Time (PST) and finishing at about 11pm PST. Despite working full time, dealing with MBA homework, and having a packed social
    calendar, I felt completely rested – mentally and physically – upon my return.

    Given this rather unexpectedly pleasant experience, I want to take this opportunity to summarize some of my key learnings from my
    workcation and share a few practical considerations for those who are exploring a move to Vancouver. First, I will discuss the job
    prospects in Vancouver, then I will shift into discussing a typical lifestyle in the region. To conclude, I will provide my personal opinion
    about the city and because this was my first visit, this would not be representative of the total experience. Instead, I expect this to be
    a starting point for those considering making Vancouver their temporary or permanent home in the future.

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   October 2021
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