Page 25 - CCFA Journal - Fifth Issue
P. 25

工作和生活 Work & Life                                加中金融

    如果我们将这一数据与上面的收入中位数图表结合起来,这意味着温哥华人每月在房地产上的支出比多伦多人多 20%。


    本只比多伦多高 0.23%。另一个导致成本普遍上升的因素是老年人护理。我在伯纳比(Burnaby)发现了一家设备齐全的芬

    在温哥华的旅行中,有一件事让我放慢了速度,那就是我没有车。没有一辆车你需要使用公共交通工具, 虽然它们在时间
    掌控上基本可靠, 但从 A 点到 B 点还是需要很长时间。 就从南本拿比到 Deep Cove 我花了 1.5 小时在路上,而车程其实只
    需 25 分钟。对于那些需要通勤的人来说有点沮丧。“轻轨”也因其薄弱的铁路管理系统而闻名,当遇到降雪或更冷的温度
    时,系统会崩溃,但它仍然是该地区较好的交通选择之一,比公交车快,每次只需 2.5- 3.0 元。

    This means that the average Vancouverite spends ~20% more per month on shelter than a Torontonian. Of course, these are average
    figures so there is a chance that the median house prices are lower. In any case, be prepared to pay more to live in the city or in its
    surrounding neighborhoods – be it Burnaby, East Vancouver, Richmond, Coquitlam, or North Vancouver.
    Using Toronto as a benchmark, below is a table summarizing some of the major cost differences with Vancouver with regards to living
    standards. We can see that Vancouver is a more expensive place to live in general while having a lower average pay across the board.

                       Price Metric 支出价格比较                          Vancouver 温哥华 /Toronto 多伦多
                       Rent 房租                                                    +9.21%
                       Restaurant 饭店就餐                                            -0.43%
                       Groceries 超市日用品                                            +7.06%
                       Local Purchasing Power (pay/prices) 综合购买力                  -1.04%
                                Data taken from Numbeo (2021) using their Cost of Living Plus Rent Index.
                                               + = more expensive, - = less expensive

    Despite the unattractive numbers, Vancouver continues to be a popular destination to settle in. If we exclude the impact of higher
    real estate (rented and owned), cost of living in Vancouver is more or less on par with Toronto. Another factor for the generally higher
    costs is attributable to elderly care. During my visit, I came across a beautifully
    furnished Finnish retirement home in Burnaby that looks very well equipped and
    peaceful. If it weren’t for the labels on the front gate, I would have thought it was
    a luxury residential complex.

    One thing that really slowed me down during my trip is that I did not have a car.
    Without a car you would need to solely rely on public transportation, and while
    they are usually on time and generally reliable, it takes much longer to get from
    point A to point B. During a trip to North Vancouver, it took me 1.5 hours just to
    get from South Burnaby to Deep Cove, a trip that would normally take 25 minutes
    via car. This is not a problem when I am on vacation, but for those who need to
    commute to work daily it can be overwhelmingly frustrating. While each trip took
    substantially  longer  than  necessary,  between  buses  and  the  Skytrain,  it  was
    relatively convenient and cost efficient to get around. The Skytrain in particular,
    despite its shaky reputation of having a weak rail management system that would
    break  when  it  encountered  snow  or  colder  temperatures,  remains  one  of  the
    better transportation options around the region and is faster than buses at only
    ~$2.5-$3.0 per trip.

                                                                               Figure 8 Old man and the Skytrain (Michael Lu)坐在

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   October 2021
                                                                                                        Page 25     第25页
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