Page 23 - CCFA Journal - Fifth Issue
P. 23

工作和生活 Work & Life                                加中金融

    就业前景 Employment Prospects

    尽管温哥华是 BC 省人口最多的城市之一,但它只有 63 万人口,与加拿大其他城市相比,它的人口总量相对较小。这部

    在大温哥华地区的人口中,大约 65-70%的人在加拿大接受教育,大学学位持有者的三个主要专业是商业、stem 相关(即
    工程)和社会科学/法律。该地区以加拿大两所顶尖大学——英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)和西蒙弗雷泽
    大学(Simon Fraser University)的所在地而闻名,这两所大学分别位于西点格雷(West Point Gray)和本拿比(Burnaby)毗邻。温

    温哥华的产业相当集中,房地产、金融和专业服务行业占全市企业的 50%以上。这与 BC 省的其他地区形成了鲜明对比,
    那里 81%的人从事服务行业,其中大多数人从事医疗保健行业。温哥华的就业率稳定但缓慢增长,劳动力参与率仅为 67%
    左右,该市失业率徘徊在 5-6%左右,略低于加拿大平均水平(2021 年 6 月为 7.8%)。

    由于国际游客(即美国游客)的缺乏,他们的生意不好,希望 COVID-19 疫情得以控制,生意会再次好转。与此同时,大家

                                 Figure 5 加拿大各大城市人口情况       (蓝色为温哥华数据)
    With a population of ~630,000, Vancouver – despite its title as one of the most populous cities in British Columbia – is a relatively
    small city. This is partly due to its proximity west of the Rocky Mountains, which limits the available land over several large “islands”
    which are connected by highways.

    Of the population in the greater Vancouver region, around 65-70% of the population received their education in Canada. The top
    three majors for university graduates are Business, STEM-related (i.e. engineering), and Social Sciences/Law. The region is known for
    housing two of the top universities in Canada, University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University, which are hugged by the
    West Point Gray and north Burnaby neighborhoods, respectively. Vancouver is also home to famous arts institutions such as the
    Vancouver  Film  School  –  which  has  won  international  fame  for  producing  both  animators,  actors/actresses,  film  makers,  and
    playwrights – and the Emily Carr University of Art + Design, which is one of the world’s top institutions that offers both undergraduate
    and graduate programs in art, design and digital multi-media. In general, the city’s population is well educated and the influx of
    immigrants from overseas will continue to feed into the melting pot of the city.
    Vancouver’s employment industry is slightly more diverse than the rest of B.C., with Real Estate, Finance, and Professional Services
    representing over 50% of the businesses in the city. This is in stark contrast with the rest of B.C., where 81% are in the service sector
    and represented by mostly those in the healthcare industry. The employment rate in Vancouver has seen steady but slow growth,
    and with only around 67% labour participation the city’s unemployment rate hovers around 5-6%, slightly lower than the Canadian
    average (7.8% in June 2021).
    Despite a lower unemployment rate, it is rather difficult to secure employment in the city. Most jobs in the existing industries have
    plateaued, and due to a combination of expensive real estate and difficulty in finding the right talent, many companies have opted to
    move their more pivotal departments to either south of the border or other domestic metropolitan cities such as Toronto or Montreal.
    The firms that do choose to stay are usually smaller in size or are satellite offices of large multinational (like EA and Amazon) where
    the  pay  tends  to  be  lower  than  those  compared  to  their  U.S.  counterparts.  The  COVID-19  induced  pandemic  has  only  further
    dampened the economic prosperity of the region. The tourism industry was particularly hard hit. While I was window shopping on
    Robson Street, many store owners lamented that business has been very slow due to the dearth of international (namely, U.S.) visitors
    patronizing their shops. However most remain hopeful that business will pick up again once the pandemic becomes more manageable
    and the visitors, both domestic and international, return to the city. For the time being, it is about staying lean and surviving.

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   October 2021
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