Page 24 - CCFA Journal - Fifth Issue
P. 24

加中金融                                         工作和生活 Work & Life

    逊就在温哥华的南部。Gastown 代表了这座城市科技领域的发展,我强烈建议你加入一些社交网络,比如创始人网络
    (Founder’s Network)或 MeetUp 群组,如果你想朝这个方向发展的话。

    大部分时间都在户外活动,所以开始徒步旅行吧,准备好开始一段可能会改变你职业轨迹的对话。之后别忘了在 LinkedIn

    One fast growing industry that has escaped the wrath of COVID-19 but appears underexplored in Vancouver is the technology sector.
    The city has seen a steady rise in technology jobs due to the expansion of companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon which is
    just south of the province. Gastown is representative of the growth of the tech scene in the city, and I would highly recommend
    joining a few networks like the Founder’s Network or MeetUp groups if you are looking to move in that direction.

    As with most job prospecting processes, there are only three words you need to know to successfully find a job in Vancouver:
    networking, networking, and have I mentioned networking? Learn where the professionals like to hang out, this could be on the golf
    courses, at one of the many restaurants in the city, or in the downtown business districts. I personally found Gastown to be a good
    combination of the serious and casual, and if you hang out there regularly you would notice a few regulars in the area. Don’t be afraid
    to strike up a conversation, an easy way to start is to refer to how beautiful Vancouver is and the activities you enjoy in the city. Most
    professionals who choose to stay in the city are likely outdoorsy people, so start hiking and get ready to strike up a conversation that
    may change your career trajectory. Don’t forget to add them on LinkedIn after or if you’re old fashioned – ask for their business card.

    大温地区的生活方式 Lifestyle in the Greater Vancouver Region

    水平,但温哥华的平均房价要比多伦多的平均房价高出约 15 万美元。(2020 年 4 月)。

    As mentioned before, real estate is the biggest business sector in the city given its limited physical space – a big portion of which is
    shared with the Aboriginal natives – this implies that real estate in general is very expensive in Vancouver. In fact, despite having an
    average couples’ household median income level comparable to its Canadian peers, the average Vancouver house costs ~$150K more
    than an average house in Toronto. (April 2020).

                                     Figure 6 加拿大城市中等家庭收入       (蓝色为温哥华数据)

                                      Figure 7 加拿大各地区平均房产价格        (第一行为温哥华数据)

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   October 2021
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