Page 16 - CCFAJournal-FirstIssue
P. 16


    面对疫情下的极大不确定性,近期政府工作报告明确提出今年                               Facing the huge uncertainty of the global  pandemic,  the report on the
    我国不再预设 GDP 目标,取而代之的是以就业等为代表的民生                            work of the government points out that we will establish goals on the rate
                                                              of employment and other livelihood development index, rather than set a
                                                              goal on GDP growth. What does the goal-shifting mean for the future
                                                              development of the Chinese economy? To what extend would the current
                                                              countercyclical  policy  hedge  the  pressure  on  the  demand  inside  and
                                                              outside of China, so that the new goals will be achieved?
       1.  消失的经济增长目标?
                                                       1.     1. Vanishing targets for economic growth?
    有关部门未来将会出台一些新的措施拉动就业。事业单位、高                               The government hopes to maintain the stability of the labor market as well
    校扩招,以及企业、家庭纾困等综合举措都有助于缓解就业压                               as the society and people’s livelihood through various means, and relevant
    力,但这些对于实现全年就业目标仍不足够。初步测算,今年                               authorities will introduce some new measures to boost employment in the
    6%左右的调查失业率目标客观上隐含着 3%左右的经济增速要求。 future.  The  expanding  on  the admission  of  the  public  institutions  and
    我国要实现如此目标并非易事,特别是在全球经济预期负增长                               colleges, as well as the rescue plans for the companies and families will
                                                              ease  the  pressure  of  employment,  but  these  are  far  from  enough  for
                                                              achieving the goal of the year. The results on the investigate gives 6% of
                                                              the unemployment rate, which implies the requirements on the economic
                                                              growth being about 3%. It’s not easy for our country to achieve this goal,
                                                              especially under the condition where the economic growth is expected to
                                                              be negative all over the world.

                               图一 稳就业需要多少经济增长?
                               Figure 1. How much economic growth is needed to stabilize employment?

                                                       2.     2. How large is the gap on the economic growth?
       2.  经济增长的缺口有多大?
                                                              Recently, the number of the new confirmed cases is constantly dropping.
    近期发达国家的新增确诊人数持续下滑,但从 Google 工作指数                          But according to the working index given by Google, the resumption rate
    来看,目前欧美国家的复工程度约为年初的六成左右,复产节                               of  working  in  Europe  and  in  the  US  is  about  6%  of  the  rate  in  the
    奏仍相对较慢。发展中国家的新增确诊人数还在加速扩张。4                               beginning of the year, the pace is relatively slow. The number of the new
    月份我国出口数据的逆势上扬与前期国内停工打乱了订单交货                               confirmed  cases is still growing fast  in those developing countries. In
    节奏相关,疫情的停工导致了部分订单堆积。观察海外疫情及                               April, the growth of export under pressure and the previous shutdown
    其停摆状况,4 月份的欧美 PMI 已创下十几年来最低值,我国                           broke  the  delivery  plans,  which  leads  to  an  accumulation  on  pending
    外需最坏的时候也许还未到来。近期航运等高频数据对此也有                               orders. As for the shutdown overseas, the PMI hits the bottom over years,
    所印证。                                                      which means that the overseas market demand is not yet the worst. Recent
                                                              high frequency data such as shipping also confirm this.

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   AUGUST 2020                      Page 16     第16页
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