Page 20 - CCFAJournal-FirstIssue
P. 20



                                     Embrace the New Cycle of the Capital Market

                                                   资产管理有限公司董事长,具有逾 23 年全球及国内投资管理经验。曾任信
                                                  诚基金管理公司数量投资总监兼资深基金经理,管理逾 200 亿元资产,涵盖
                                                  总裁和高级投资经理,管理逾 300 亿加元资产并获得优异投资业绩。1996

                                                  Dr. Yanan Wu is the Chairman of Beijing Kuai Kuai Network Technology
                                                  Ltd. Co. & Shanghai Yahou Asset Management Inc. with over 23 years’
                                                  global and Chinese investment experience.  As the Head of Quantitative
                                                  Investment and senior portfolio manager for CITIC-Prudential Fund
                                                  Management Co., Shanghai, China from 2009 through 2014, he managed
                                                  about ¥20 billion (RMB) assets including structured index funds and
                                                  multi-strategy hedge funds. As the VP and senior portfolio manager of TD
                                                  Asset Management Inc., Toronto, Canada from 1996 till 2009, he
                                                  managed about $30 billion (CAD) assets including portable alpha, liability-
                                               driven products as well as global asset allocation, asset-liability matching and
        duration extension overlay strategies for large pension, insurance, endowments, family trusts and various institutional
        clients. One of his funds received Lipper award. Ph.D in statistical physics from University Western Ontario. Research
        staff at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA. He was a Specially Recruited Expert appointed by the
        municipal government of Beijing, and was awarded one of leading entrepreneur talents of Zhong Guan Village, Beijing. He
        has served as an executive board member of China Quantitative Investment Club since 2010, and a board member of
        China Absolute Return Association since 2016. One of founders of Shanghai Financial & Innovative Investment Forum
        since 2010.

        【引言】                                                  Introduction
                                                              The Shanghai Composite Index broke through the five key marks of
        上证综指在 7 月开始的六个交易日内,接连突破 3000、                         3000, 3100, 3200, 3300 and 3400 points in the six consecutive trading
        3100、3200、3300、3400 点的五大关键点位。A 股的牛市                   days in the beginning of July. The bull market atmosphere of A-shares
        气氛忽然被点燃!A 股的牛市格局确立了吗?是否会重蹈                            was suddenly ignited! Is the bull market of A-shares really arrived? Will
                                                              it repeat the 2015 "mad cow" market and then stop abruptly? What is
        2015 年的“疯牛”行情然后嘎然而止呢?这轮牛市的成因                          the cause and basis of this bull market? Let's discuss these topics here.
                                                              1. COVID-19 globalization and the central bank liquidity injection
        1、     全球新冠水牛蔓延                                       2. A-share system benefits started
        2、     A 股制度红利开启                                      3. The boom cycle of the capital market
        3、     资本市场繁荣周期
                                                              1.  COVID-19  globalization  and  the  central  bank
        1、全球新冠水牛蔓延                                            liquidity injection
        7 月 6 日上证综指收涨 5.71%,沪深 300 上涨 5.67%,创业                On July 6, the Shanghai SE Composite Index closed up 5.71%, the
        板指上涨 2.72%。全市场成交额大幅放大,达到 1.57 万亿                      CSI 300 index rose 5.67%, and the ChiNex price index rose 2.72%.
        元。ETF 掀起涨停潮,40 余只 ETF 当天涨停!这是自 2015                   The volume of the whole market has been greatly enlarged, reaching
        年以来,上证综指的单日涨幅排在第 2。除了去年 2 月出                          1.57 trillion yuan. ETF began to limit up, more than 40 ETFs limit
                                                              up on that day. This is the second largest increase in the Shanghai
        现过一次单日大涨 5.6%的盛况之外,其余排在单日涨幅榜
                                                              Composite Index since 2015. Except for a single-day rise of 5.6% in
        的记录都还停留在 2015 年。从单日成交额来看,2015 年
                                                              February last year, the remaining records in the single-day increase
        的牛市中两市成交额最高达到了 2 万亿之上,成交额也已
                                                              list still remain in 2015. Also in 2015, the maximum daily trading
        经位列 2016 年以来的最高点,超过了今年 2 月底 1.4 万亿                    volume of the two stock exchanges reached more than 2 trillion,
        的峰值。同时,股指期货抹平了负基差,出现了近年来罕                             which has been the highest since 2016, exceeding the peak of 1.4
        见的正基差,从长期的贴水一跃成为升水状态!A 股这是                            trillion at the end of February this year. At the same time, stock
        怎么了?牛市为什么来得这么突然?                                      index futures have smoothed the negative basis, and there has been
                                                              a rare positive basis in recent years, which has jumped from a long-
                                                              term  discount  to  a  premium.  What's  wrong  with  Shanghai  SE
                                                              Composite? Why did the bull market come so suddenly?

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   AUGUST 2020                      Page 20     第20页
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