Page 26 - Tegra Employee Handbook_2019_FINAL
P. 26
If you are absent longer than your FMLA leave is approved,
the Company cannot guarantee reinstatement to your prior
position. If FMLA time is exhausted, you may be required to
reapply for open positions to regain employment.
State and Local Laws. Where state and local leave laws
offer more protection or benefits, the protection or benefits
provided by such laws will apply. Please contact Human
Resources to obtain more details about applicable state
leave law.
Benefits During Leave. You are given the same benefit
options as active employees, i.e., changing health plans
during open enrollment. FMLA leave is considered a “life
status change,” which entitles you to suspend certain benefit
elections (consistent with your employment change) outside
the open enrollment period. Any benefits which were
discontinued during an FMLA leave may begin following
your return from leave if you so elect. You are subject to the
30-day enrollment period following any life status change.
During an approved FMLA leave, health benefits are
maintained as they would be during active employment,
provided you continue to pay your portion of premiums. If
paid leave is substituted for unpaid FMLA leave, your paid
portion of plan premiums is paid through regular payroll
deduction. If you are on unpaid leave, you are responsible
for remitting to the Payroll Department the employee paid
portion of the premiums by the deadline provided on the
invoice mailed to you by our Benefits Department.
If you do not return to work at the end of the leave period
(12 weeks or 26 weeks, whichever is applicable), you may
be required to reimburse the Company for the cost of the
health benefit premiums paid by the Company during the
leave. Upon termination of benefit coverage, you will be
offered the opportunity to pay for COBRA continuation
coverage at your own expense for medical, dental, vision,
and health care spending benefits, if any. In addition,
portability will be offered for life insurance in force at the
same time.
26 © 2019, Tegra, LLC. All rights reserved